2/9/23 1:46 p.m.
I ordered and received a weld-in fuel pump flange from these folks:
Looks like a quality piece. I should be able to snag an appropriate GM fuel pump module (a returnless deal which includes the pump, level sender, and regulator) from the junkyard for cheap. Looks like they are also available for very reasonable prices from Rockauto, etc. and available for a pretty wide range of fuel tank depths (7"-14").
Seems like it will be a good option for retrofitting old fuel tanks for EFI.
Edit: I remembered it's winter in New England and therefore cold and miserable, so I just ordered a new pump.
Here's a picture:
2/9/23 5:39 p.m.
Moving the steering column from its stock location means the plastic cowl that usually covers it, no longer does.
So, here is a new design. I've also removed the hump for the ignition switch (which will be relocated to the dash for vintageness) and less one hole (for the wiper control stalk, which is also going away, because if I need wipers I probably shouldn't be driving this thing)

2/10/23 2:00 p.m.
Why am I on an interior trimming tangent when the car doesn't even have any floors? No idea..
Since I have most of this goat hide left, I was thinking of wrapping the steering column cowl in that. The other option is flock it (the dash will all be flocked too). I've got the materials for both options on hand, so I can't decide.
Anyone have opinions / thoughts? I was thinking leather might be too luxe for the rest of the interior, but maybe I'm wrong.
"Flock it" I think it will blend in better looking at pic
2/10/23 4:06 p.m.
Concept to usable thing in no time flat:

In reply to Nukem :
If you want it to go away... flock it. Considering the rest of the dash will be flocked. If you want to draw attention to it, wrap it. I'd flock it, and make it go away, or paint it a satin version of your interior paint choice. Along with the lower column, any dash that will not be flocked, etc. Just tie everything in together somehow so nothing looks like an after thought
2/11/23 2:48 p.m.

Very pleased with how this turned out. As you can see, it's really long, so I think flocking it to blend in with the rest of the dash is the right move.
Are you sitting in the back seat?
2/11/23 4:15 p.m.
In reply to TurboFource :
Lol, basically yes.
Back seats aren't going back in + extra engine set back + I have long legs = seats get mounted pretty far back.
In reply to Nukem :
Have you thought about stretching the dash? We do it on a LOT of the stuff we build. Partly as we move the seats further back, partly so we can cram the ECM, TCU, gauge controllers, etc under the dash... and so it looks more proportional and less 60s drag car with huge setback and the dash a mile away. Wouldn't be hard with the shape of the dash. 2-3" would make a world of difference. Maybe even help the packaging under dash as well. Could easily have it wrap around and pick up into a recess in the door cards so it all looks OE.
2/11/23 4:31 p.m.
In reply to GaryC83 :
I'm thinking about it now. There won't be a whole lot that needs to go under the dash, but proportions do seem just a bit wonky.
I need the get the seat in it and just sit on it for a while to see what I think.
glad I am short as there is not much room in a Europa......
2/12/23 11:23 a.m.
Mocked up the seat in the car, made some marks, and mocked it up again on the replacement floor panel to make fabricating the seat mounts easier.
2/12/23 11:31 a.m.
Ergonomics are pretty great with this seat position. Just need to tweak the shift lever a bit to gain a couple of inches of clearance to the steering wheel when it's in the first two gears. As it's sits, you hands will be hitting the shifter in first and second if you have to do any hand-over-hand steering (which seems likely).
Pedal positions are going to be fun to work out because of the engine set back, but not as bad as I first thought they might be. Pushing the seat position back helps with this.
My heart wants a set of floor mount tiltons, but my wallet might protest.
2/13/23 9:44 a.m.
Idea for solving the remaining hood clearance issues: add some lumps much like the existing MGC hood lump. If I went this route I might remove the MGC one. I think this would be a cool little nod back to the MGC, and with two of them would give a hint that there is a V8 under the hood: 
2/16/23 5:49 p.m.

That was fun. Did some death wheeling without a guard to cut out the internal baffle thing to get the fuel pump module to fit. Made sure to wear a full fase mask for this one.
2/19/23 10:10 a.m.

Well, these sort of fell into my lap and I couldn't resist...
2/22/23 11:56 a.m.
Sone MG fuel system progress thanks to a good friend with a TIG and the skills to use it, and I got some parts in from SendCutSend finally 
2/22/23 5:24 p.m.

I didn't have the actual coilover ODs when I designed this structure, so there is less clearance to the springs than I'd like (but it does clear!)

2/23/23 11:08 a.m.
I'm trying to figure out seat mounting so that both myself and my fiance can drive this thing. She is a full foot shorter than I am. Maybe sliders, or just a second set of brackets? Unbolting the seat to do a driver change sounds annoying...
Fixed seat mounting brackets for the Porsche 914 seats:

New Reader
2/23/23 1:24 p.m.
Nukem said:

Well, these sort of fell into my lap and I couldn't resist...
Cool project, thanks for sharing. This looks dangerous, if i had these i would have a hard time not surfing the internet nonstop looking for projects...
2/23/23 1:59 p.m.
In reply to David_H :
Yeah, definitely dangerous. I really need a little plot of land to build a big garage on, cause I'm basically already out of room.
2/23/23 8:19 p.m.
In reply to Shavarsh :
Good suggestion to flip the coilover. Much better access to adjust. Ride height and damping adjustments should be easy. 
Glad to hear it! The assembly is looking sweet!