A few months back I decided I wanted to build another, more frivolous Mk1 Rabbit. I had built a FWD one with Honda power but this time I wanted RWD. I wanted an LS1 up front but wanted to go the donor chassis route to preserve factory AC and stuff like that. I couldn't think of any real viable front engine RWD platform that came with an LS engine. Then I heard about the L67, the supercharged 3.8 litre V6 used in many GM FWD cars. Apparently these things can handle 20psi on the stock long block and can make 450 or so at the wheels with a big turbo and proper fueling. I also found that this was a popular swap for a Fiero. So I decided to rebody a Fiero with a cabriolet chassis. At first I was willing to use any year Fiero but then I read that the 88 chassis was a significant improvement over the previous years. So I got one of those, an 89 Cabriolet and got to work. I'll follow up with some pictures soon.
You'll fit right in here.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
You'll fit right in here.
You mean I'm finally home? The haters on the Fiero and VW forums don't seem to get me. :)
carwhisperer wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
You'll fit right in here.
You mean I'm finally home? The haters on the Fiero and VW forums don't seem to get me. :)
Yes, you've definitely come to the right place!
7/12/15 10:32 p.m.
I love it when the meds run out.
I love the tiny trunk. Most excellent. Are you going to try to keep a functional top?
carwhisperer wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
You'll fit right in here.
You mean I'm finally home? The haters on the Fiero and VW forums don't seem to get me. :)
You are most certainly welcome here. We'll support putting anything in anything.
Is this car in the database?
My first thought was "why the berkeley would you do that?". But that quickly became "because it's berkeleying awesome, that's why!"
Can't wait to see where this is going.
7/13/15 7:04 p.m.
You, my son, are home. That thing is awesome.
Holy volkswagon batman. I highly doubt you will get any criticism here, other than "what a heap, there is not a single Miata part on it" and "needs more box flare" and that kind of thing. 

Bearmtnmartin has the right of it. Don't show up around here if you're looking for rational feedback. We're the guys that will offer constructive suggestions like "needs more biturbo". 
Please please please tell me you have a more long winded write up of this. I want the gorey details from step a to b to C.
I vote this for Internet Hotrod of the month so n the next issue.
that is so awesome... any engine swap plans?...
Needs more turbo northstar swap.
Other than that, oh hell yes. How well did the wheel base line up? Some pictures made the front wheels look awfully far back.
That is so awesome. I would like more details on how the mating was done chassis wise etc.
I'll put this build right next to legendary mini body in mr2 chassis...