In reply to bluej :
one pretty big unknown is "where is the center of the spacer?" IDK if the flywheel clearance hole is machined, or if it's as-cast. if machined, we could CMM points on that machined circle and kinda know where the center point is. If it's as-cast, all bets are off.
I already have X- and Y-coordinates for both patterns using (0,0) as common pilot location for both.
10/7/19 5:39 p.m.
I see what you're saying. Guess I assumed you'd be able to use the gm alignment dowels to fine tune. That's nice you have the dims for the Audi part! Is the work being done cnc, or old school?
Short night last night, but made some important progress on a few items.
flywheel is balanced. Met a very cool local engine builder too. Performance Crankshaft, Ferndale MI.
trans bolts scavenged.
forward ends of C5 frame cleaned up and closed off for easier fab of attachments to Corvair body.


That free HF LED was perfect for finding high spots. It really helped me get the gaps nice and tight with the flap disc.

And positioned in car for CAD:

Also got my clutch MC so I can finish the pedal box mods. Clutch MC will live under the dash, above the pedal pivot. It’s a remote reservoir design, gets fluid from brake MC reservoir, and the C4 brake res has a leftover outlet from the now-unused traction control fluid supply, so it’s coming together nicely, if a bit slowly.
10/9/19 9:04 a.m.
A lot of us have been inspired and learned from watching your build. I'm looking forward to seeing it in a couple weeks. OMG a couple weeeekks! Get back to work.
10/9/19 10:25 a.m.
I am in full blown panic mode because I have an engine that wont stay running. You still need a car to stick an engine into!
Nerves of steel man.
You guys crack me up. I look up to the quality of the work you’ve documented in your own threads, and I am honored that you find inspiration in my hack ramblings. I *am* doing my best to explain the hows and whys, because if I can help someone get off the fence and push their skills, well, that’s kinda what this community is all about.
Patrick said:
Slowly he says....
You know that scene in Cool Hand Luke where Luke is fighting George Kennedy, and he’s getting the E36 M3 kicked out of him, but he keeps getting up? That’s how I live. I don’t know how to stay down, or how to recognize that staying down is sometimes the right choice.
In reply to AngryCorvair :
That movie was before my time so I know it’s way before Patrick’s time.
Stampie said:
In reply to AngryCorvair :
That movie was before my time so I know it’s way before Patrick’s time.
The years have not been kind to either one of you. I thought for sure you were mid-50s. Birth year, not age.
The movie was before my time, but I still watched it. If you can see it do it.
But not until after you finish the MonZora. I have been watching with jealosy since the beginning.
In reply to AngryCorvair :
I'm sure I show every bit of my uncoddled life.
In reply to Stampie :
“Uncoddled” almost made me choke on my silver spoon!
Today started off great (took a personal day to work on the car), but I hit the wall around dinnertime and didn’t finish strong like I wanted.
First task was to make reinforcements for where I cut the Corvair rails for rear UCA clearance. A little CAD, a little Sharpie, a little death wheel, a little belt sander, and a little welder, and they came out rather nice:

Then I flap disc’d the top surfaces of the C5 frame and put it under the car again so I could continue pondering on frame attachments. I’m specifically concerned about the ones that will react vertical forces. The C5 frame is much narrower than the Corvair rails, so these attachments will also have to deal with bending forces as well. Triangulation will be key to a strong and efficient execution. I have some 1x2-1/2 tubing from the remnants section at Alro, which I think will be good for these. I slotted what was left of the original spring perches, and made a few wooden test pieces to help get the angles correct.

Then using some very sophisticated setup, measurement, and marking equipment, I marked cut lines for the first bits that will permanently attach C5 rear to Corvair.

And that’s when analysis paralysis set in. These attachments are going to make exhaust routing very difficult.
After about an hour of head-scratching, I said “berkeley it, I’m gonna update my thread and get ready for bed.”
I would just run the exhaust at an upward angle and bring it out the decklid. Run it without the decklid instead of cutting holes in it, if you want that to just be a temporary solution. 
Two words on the exhaust; Boat Headers.
Someone please remind me that perfect is the enemy of good enough.
In reply to AngryCorvair :
perfect is the enemy or something something... dark side.
Slap that E36 M3 together and make it move under its own power, then you can worry about the perfection after. 
AngryCorvair said:
Someone please remind me that perfect is the enemy of good enough.
Perfect and Never-Got-It-Done are like best friends.
Perfection is always a deficiency in measurement anyway.
Tonight my old buddy Dave, one of several old buddies I have who are all named Dave, stopped by for a garage BS session. Dave is smarter than me. He asked a couple questions which got my mind on the right track to making frame attachments *and* solving the exhaust packaging problem. Three cheers for Dave!
So here are a few examples of the frame attachments. Pay no attention to markings on tubes, as I used a couple as templates for others.
LH vertical, will attach to old spring perch at top. There will be 2 additional vertical attachments per side. Thinking about this one while holding in place, I’m going to remake one for this spot and use this one farther back:

Squaring off and plating the forward ends of C5 frame are the enabler for what happened next. I will make 3 of the following per side, to react lateral (cornering) and longitudinal (braking / acceleration) forces into the area of the Corvair unibody where these forces were originally reacted:

That section of Corvair frame is already 1/8” wall thickness, so no need to plate it.
I’ve got my cut list and material so tomorrow at lunchtime I’ll knock out some cuts and do some final fitting and welding when I get home.

Boogity Boogity Boogity ! let's go racing!
(& the clock is ticking)