After previous degreasing and scrubbing efforts, the Opti still looked terrible.
one more scrub with simple green, then a little masking:
and a shot of flat black:
and no more eyesore. So I installed the Opti and moved on to masking the water pump for its date with the sandblast cabinet. My 14YO asked if I had anything she could do, so I set her up with the water pump, balancer, and hub, and let her have at it. I decided to shoot a test area with some silver wheel paint I've had on the shelf forever, and it came out better than I expected. I shot the whole pump, and loosely bolted it up to check it out:
In general, I don't like silver spray paint, but the combination of rough cast surface and fine powdery metallic in the wheel paint looks good to me. I also like how the flat black Opti just kind of disappears, and it will be more hidden when the balancer is in place.
Tomorrow I'll replace rear main seal and install oil pan, so I can move on to powertrain mounts later in the week.