Start long intro/
Me and a buddy of mine a little while back discussed building some old lawn mowers to mess around with for fun.
Eventually he found a pair for next to nothing and gave me the worst one (which is fine). Upon picking up my chassis he was disassembling an old Yamaha to be the front donor for a drift trike project. He asked what am I going to use to power mine and I had said not a 2stroke and not a v8. Anything else in between I am game.
Then staring at the old Yamaha I said...well my parents used to ride MotoGuzzis and i used to ride on the back so Id love to find a Guzzi driveline if I had a choice.
Anyways dropped the chassis at my shop and mentioned to another friend of mine about the general project and he mentioned he had a random 750 vtwin motor kicking about his shop. I said im interested get me pictures.

Well no freaking E36 M3 its a MotoGuzzi motor and i automatically said yes to it. Might have bitten more off then I can chew...its a later model (injected) motor with supposedly an upgraded cam. But its just a long block. Ideally Id want an older carbureted setup. Might see of I can do some trading or something. Bit I am totally committed to this concept in some form.
Admittedly there wont be much JohnDeere left as I plan to do some sort of live axle (atv stuff??) and stretch the chassis longer a bit and attempt to drop the overall center of gravity.
But just looks so stupid (ridiculously?) cool and is inspiring ideas!

I'm subscribing to your news letter on this one for sure.
Fits like a glove. In for the Guzzi content.
You know, you could probably mount a propellor on the front of that...

Well it can't be any less reliable than the John Deere I drive every day lol
Dude, that looks like the 8 valve version Guzzi started running after 2008!
If it was produced between 2008 and 2013, the solid lifters have a very well known and documented issue of getting wiped. They changed to rollers in 2013 and the issue went away. If this engine has a hot cam, it has probably been handled one way or another.
This engine has the torque of the 4v predecessors, but lots of gains in the top end. It's not nearly as "agricultural" as Guzzi's older engines. I'd look hard for a trade or swap, only because this is the 110HP bruiser that might actually define overkill for your lawn mower.
I'm now wondering if I shouldn't start a maintenance/ownership log for my '07 Guzzi Griso...
11/4/19 2:06 p.m.
It's most certainly not an 8V guzzi engine. I have one in my garage. 8V engines are 1200.
That's a smallblock Guzzi.
Some put some serious miles on that mower to wear out the front tires like that! Were they commuting on it?
11/4/19 2:36 p.m.
In reply to GhiaMonster :
Yeah, that is what I was thinking. Also, needs some negative camber based on the wear pattern.
GhiaMonster said:
Some put some serious miles on that mower to wear out the front tires like that! Were they commuting on it?
I've witnessed riding mowers at the drive through window of a liquor store on more than one occasion.
Mezzanine said:
Dude, that looks like the 8 valve version Guzzi started running after 2008!
If it was produced between 2008 and 2013, the solid lifters have a very well known and documented issue of getting wiped. They changed to rollers in 2013 and the issue went away. If this engine has a hot cam, it has probably been handled one way or another.
This engine has the torque of the 4v predecessors, but lots of gains in the top end. It's not nearly as "agricultural" as Guzzi's older engines. I'd look hard for a trade or swap, only because this is the 110HP bruiser that might actually define overkill for your lawn mower.
I'm now wondering if I shouldn't start a maintenance/ownership log for my '07 Guzzi Griso...
ShawnG said:
It's most certainly not an 8V guzzi engine. I have one in my garage. 8V engines are 1200.
That's a smallblock Guzzi.
Im nearly positive its a small block. I was informed it was a 750 with an ugraded cam. Its a bit overkill...and well I think I might resell it and find an older 500 with a trans.
Pretty much NONE of the JD stuff will be left other then most of the chassis. I plan on stretching it nearly a foot and sitting where your feet pass thru.
This build might take some time...but I want it to be badass and also to be mostly safe for anyone to poop themselves on
11/4/19 6:38 p.m.
In reply to malibuguy :
Nothing overkill about it, the power levels from the smallblocks are downright shameful for their displacement.
Like 50-ish horsepower maybe from the 750s.
My 40+ year old 'Guzzi 850 makes 70hp.
In reply to ShawnG :
Still much more then I really need. Im in it for the nostalgia and the sound track.
Maybe I can find some dirt drags class or something to enter it in for fun

If you squint and tilt you head just right...

In reply to No Time :
I had a similar thought when I took the first step back haha.
We have one locally with the license plate "MORGASM"
In reply to malibuguy :
I’m surprised no one has suggested this yet, but you really need to name it JohnGuzzi.
Bummer. I thought the valve covers looked like the 8v. Small block or not, this is a fun project.
Pete Gossett said:
In reply to malibuguy :
I’m surprised no one has suggested this yet, but you really need to name it JohnGuzzi.
I already did when I posted it on instragram and facebook with that as the hashtag ;)