I had some problems in my world of cars and had decided to wait to update on here until I got everything sorted out. It was sorted out quickly but I forgot to update!
The BMW's gone. In early December I noticed two major coolant spots underneath the car, and determined that the two remaining plastic coolant connectors had sprung leaks - just as I had been warned about on this thread! My B13 Rally Car was already fully disassembled and on jack-stands and that's my one spot in the garage, so I had to tackle my repair attempt outside in arctic-cold conditions.
The repair took quite some time due to having to remove the upper and lower intake manifolds, which also involves removing the fuel injectors and disconnecting several hard-to-reach connections on the "Wiring Squid" which routes through the lower intake manifold. I tackled it over the course of a few days, a few hours here and there when there was daylight left after getting home from work. Installed the new fittings, put everything back together. Refilled the coolant, and started the car to start bleeding the cooling system. BOOM! The new Block Cooling Connector explodes in a cloud of steam and the engine dies. Suddenly there's an oil slick underneath the car as well.
I realize that I don't have time for this right now. If it had been the beginning of summer, I could simply work on replacing the engine and ride my motorcycle to work, or drive the B13. My decision to sell the BMW seems to have been a good choice, as we've been experiencing the most brutal Northeast winter in years.
I'll own another RWD car someday, but it will more than likely be a Nissan. The BMW was fun while it lasted!
As I was sorting out the logistics nightmare the BMW created, suddenly I was contacted by one of my racing idols. I had met him a few years ago and we became friends through our love of old-school Nissans, particularly older Sentras and SE-Rs. He had a very interesting offer for me, the most prized SE-R he owned. Apparently he had been debating offering it to me for a long time, but couldn't bring himself to because it's his best one. He wouldn't sell it to anyone else, he said, "You're the guy for the car. If you want it, it's yours!"
Needless to say, that didn't take much thought. When one of your idols offers you an exquisitely-maintained example of your favorite car, you don't refuse.

I took a bus out to New York, bought my new B13 and made the five-hour trip back home with no problems at all.

The car's absolutely gorgeous. 94k original miles, rust-free and the cleanest SE-R I've ever seen in person. It's currently proven itself as the reliable, practical and fun car that is exactly why I love B13s so much. I immediately detailed the car and applied a liberal amount of Fluid Film to start its winter duty. I'm so excited to get it all detailed and cleaned up again in the spring! My intention is to stay on top of any developing rust and use the car for year-round enjoyment for the foreseeable future alongside my B13 rally car.

I don't intend to RallyCross this new SE-R year-round, it's just too clean and tidy to thrash around in the gravel. This one will enjoy Autocross, and perhaps Track Days and Hilclimb, alongside AMEC Ice Racing (The car won two AMEC Championships with its previous owner), IceCross and snow RallyCross events.
For that purpose, the car has proven itself to be every bit as good as Raven!

I went down to Stafford Springs Connecticut with only the intention of helping to run the event, but a healthy influx of snow just before the event began convinced me to run! What an absolute blast, and I also put in some of the fastest times for the event! Won both competition days and the cumulative Snowdown Champion prize as well!

I also did a second RallyCross at Canaan NH where I set the fastest overall time for the event!

My current plan is to head out to Lake George this coming weekend for another AMEC Ice Race, my first one since 2013! My new '93 SE-R has won two Championships in the SL class with its previous owner, so I don't have any excuse to not do well! At least I already know how these wonderful little cars behave on the ice.

Life with two B13s is excellent! Great work in progress with Raven (my original '91 becoming a Stage Rally / Hillclimb car), will update with that progress soon!