I'm now two months and more than 2,000 miles into my ownership of this e-Golf. Things are going well. I continue to learn more about EV ownership. And I've made a few upgrades and repairs to the car.
Last month I spent all of $15 on electricity at home to charge the car. The majority of my charging is still done at work. I still plug in at home though, mostly to take advantage of the scheduled interior preconditioning in the mornings. It is really nice to climb into a 72 degree car on a 30 degree morning. It costs all of 15 cents each morning I use it. Unfortunately, I can't get the same function to work properly at work for my drive home. I think after an extended time plugged in but not accepting charge, the Clipper Creek chargers at work turn themselves off. Then the e-Golf doesn't think it's plugged in anymore and won't warm up the car. No worries though. The heated seats are quick acting and keep me warm.
Driving range continues to be a point of consideration, but isn't as anxiety inducing as when I first bought the car. I'm growing more comfortable with the accuracy of the car's range estimation, the distances I normally drive, and the locations of public chargers in my area. Once I even saw the car with an estimated range of 93 miles at full charge, well over it's rated range.

Having said that, I have recently discovered just how much the range and driving efficiency are effected by temperature. That 93 miles of range was at 68 degrees. At 53 degrees the range drops to 84 miles. At 30 degrees exterior temperature I get 52 miles of range. And with this recent winter storm and temperatures around 14 degrees Fahrenheit I'm getting only 45 miles of range at 1-2 miles/kWh. It is still enough to get me round trip to work with some safety margin, but I'm probably going to do some charging at home to be safe. According to the owner's manual, the car will refuse to turn on if the temperature is before -15 degrees Fahrenheit. Thankfully this only happens once or twice a year where I live.

Several new EV specific discoveries with the snow storm and low temperatures. The car charges much slower in the cold. I stopped at the Electrify America DC fast charger in town to get a little more range against the cold. The car was only charging at 10-11 kW, well less than the 44 kW maximum DC charge rate. What was going to be a 5-10 minute charging stop took 30 minutes. I'm sure this is less of an issue in newer EVs that will warm the batteries ahead of time to prepare for charging. Also, the EV charging parking spots had not been plowed free of snow, forcing me to avoid one spot that was drifted in enough that I might have gotten stuck.

The electrically heated windshield and exterior mirrors work well and have come in handy. I have unfortunately discovered that the rear window defroster doesn't work at all. I'm hoping that it's just a burned out fuse or something unplugged, not something more serious like damage to the grid on the window. I'll figure it out. I just haven't had time to troubleshoot that yet.
Let's see, upgrades and repairs... I removed the window tinting from the side and rear windows. I had to disassemble the doors and remove the glass. Then I could take it inside and use the steamer to release the film and adhesive. It took most of an afternoon at a relaxed pace.

100% worth the effort. Driving at night went from sketchy blind spots everywhere to normal. And I can now back into my driveway in the dark without lowering the windows. Driving during the daytime the interior went from cool and cave-like to bright and airy. It doesn't look as car show cool on the outside, but functions so much better.
I noticed the heads of the lug bolts looking rusty. Some searching revealed that I was missing all of the black plastic covers that finish them off. I got them purchased and installed. It's a small thing, but helped improve the look and function.

While doing this I noticed I was missing 3 of 4 valve stem caps. I got one of my stocking stuffers early, a set of VW branded valve stem caps. A normal set would have worked fine, but the subtle branding makes me smile.
I added a GRM sticker (before the window tint was removed). It fits nicely.

Thanks for following along.
- Sean