So as I mentioned earlier this week, I again took the 924 to Watkins Glen for its annual track weekend. This time it was in around the May 24 weekend. So a couple of weeks earlier. I brought my wife and two girls down with us this time. All 4 in the 924, with tools, spares, clothes etc... It was a tightly packed, 4.5 hour run down. We made it there with no troubles, just some sore muscles. 
When at the track on Saturday, run 1. I am in a pack of cars. An 88 924S ahead and a number of cars behind. I followed the later 924 around for a few laps, letting the faster cars go by. My instructor kind of just sitting there giving me pointers as we circulated. Finally the faster cars we pretty much past and I had my opening. Doing something I have never done before, I downshifted from 4th(top gear in my car) to 3rd coming up out of the Esses onto the back straight. Get the point by from the 88 924S run the car up to redline, drop it back into top gear and hear a loud "BANG" from the car. I finished off the session but the car was running very rough. I thought I had floated a valve, but on further inspection I found that I had melted one of the Platinum spark plugs I was running. We hunted down a replacement plug and the car was back to running full song. Add to this the fresh asphalt and the 924 has never run so fast on The Glen. I was having a blast. I finished the day out, and actually had the first ever run dance in the car. Last two sessions saw some drizzle and rain. With the new asphalt and the drainage, the track was perfect for the 50/50 handling that these cars a known for. I even had some oversteer coming out of the Toe of the Boot a few times. Something that made me feel a bit, well like a "fish out of water" LOL. 
The Sunday came, a bit cool but no rain in the forcast. I was running around with out problems or difficulty. The only thing caused a bit of concern was some brake shudder when coming in hard to corner 1 or into the boot. Still haven't removed the brakes, but from my butt-0-meter, I feel the rear shoes were delaminating. That is going to be a winter review.
On the way home the fan stopped spinning and I have been working on getting this corrected ever since. The car has not overheated, but the fan has not spun since about 2 hours from home that Sunday.
I still want for power, and that 944 is still being worked on (another thread to update) but this car still brings a smile to my face every time I drive it.
Some pictures from the weekend are below.
Initial setup and unload at time of arrival:

Following the 924S before we melted the spark plug:

Just pointing a faster car by; I was complimented on my Point bys!!: