Thank you. So far I really like the seat, although I've mainly been sitting in it making brm brm noises.
As I'm booked for another HPDE in two weeks' time I figured it was about time to look at the "dragging brake caliper" noise I had noticed after driving back home from Summit Point. So I put the S2000 on the QuickJack and pulled the wheels off to further investigate. The fact that I couldn't turn one of the rear wheels by hand - at least not without major force - suggested which of the four corners the offending noise came from. And yes, I checked that I had taken off the handbrake and that the gear box was in neutral. Twice.
But let's start at the front:

Well, E36 M3. I didn't realise you were supposed to be able to see where the vanes on a vented rotor are from the outside. I guess they got a tad warm when slowing down from 100+ mph at the end of the straight on Summit Point's main track. Looks like the fronts may want new rotors, and it very definitely looks like they need more cooling.
Ah well, onto the back brakes, specifically the driver's side - you know, the one that I could barely turn with both hands. First signs of, err, warmth:

Don't think I've seen the paint burnt off rear pads like that before. Keep in mind that they're still at almost full thickness.

Rotor doesn't look too, err, hot either. BTW, that oily looking substance on the brake caliper's piston? That's paint from the pad's backing plate that's melted onto the the piston.
I guess we can safely say that my initial attempt at freeing up the brake calipers wasn't a 100% successful. I have parts store rebuild kits for all four calipers so I'm guessing I'll give those a shot and see where that gets me.
This is one of the moments where I'm getting a tad annoyed at myself for not following my usual advice of having backup vehicles for everything - nevermind that I have enough problems as is to keep the existing fleet running. Unless I'll actually manage to rebuild the calipers over the next few days and that fixes the issues, I can probably kiss the HPDE weekend goodbye as I don't have another car I can take out there. Of course that's not a new situation for me, but it's still rather annoying. But not as annoying as getting intimate with tirewalls, so there is that.........