New Reader
3/9/20 11:07 a.m.
jfryjfry said:
Fill the crack with silicone and cover it with a carbon fiber rock-chip guard sticker perhaps?
Ya I'm thinking on the silicone approach as well. I just want to make sure i do it right so it doesn't look backyard.
I already planned on touching up the paint before i put it back on the road and get it shinning again. I did a track event towards the end of last summer and it just destroyed my paint so i'm going to fix it all up again and put some protective films on it before its back on the streets.
Thanks for the input.. greatly appreciated.
If you can't add some structural support (metal backer bonded to the fiberglass and steel?) then you might get away with some kitty hair instead of bondo. It's fiber reinforced filler. I'd go for both panel-bonded backer behind the joint and kitty hair on the top side.
In reply to ttt123 :
Marine grade adhesive may be the ticket. Some aircraft paints are also mede for higher flex than car paints, though I do remember shoving a finger down pretty hard on a 240SX spoiler and that flexed quite a bit with no cracking.
New Reader
3/10/20 6:34 a.m.
finally pulled the parts made for the rear bumper and new exhaust exits off the mold last night. they still need to be cleaned up and shaped some more but its headway.
I was able to pop the mold for the cluster inlay as well. it came out very nicely which is good as I need the surface to be vary smooth and without any blemishes so the carbon fiber part I make from the mold doesn't need any work when I pop it. Also cut the hole for the headlight switch.
had to rework a little of the rear deck-lid mod as the symmetry was a little off but for the most parts it just about ready for paint.
slow but sure.

New Reader
3/10/20 6:42 a.m.
"matthewmcl said:
In reply to ttt123 :
Marine grade adhesive may be the ticket. Some aircraft paints are also mede for higher flex than car paints, though I do remember shoving a finger down pretty hard on a 240SX spoiler and that flexed quite a bit with no cracking."
I'm leaning towards having some kind of small seam there and not trying to hide it as i cant help but think its going to show up again. the cut you see in it now is the cut i put in it to cut out the crack.
"Stone guards is your best bet:""
Its definetly in the plans along with the front bumper.
"If you can't add some structural support (metal backer bonded to the fiberglass and steel?) then you might get away with some kitty hair instead of bondo. It's fiber reinforced filler. I'd go for both panel-bonded backer behind the joint and kitty hair on the top side. "
I have a brace behind both sections, the steel flare has a welded in return and the fiberglass part has the same made of fiberglass. but after I aligned them i just smoothed over the seem with bondo. i'm thinking just the natural flex of the car is going to force the crack again after i paint over it again.
Thats why i'm leaning towards the paintable silicone and make the seem look intentional.
Thanks for the input guys, i will think on all of them.
New Reader
3/11/20 6:50 a.m.
So last night I was able to finish up the shaping of my drywall mud to form the buck for my front bumper mod. Then wax it and start making my mold. I think it will add a little depth to the front bumpers curves/smooth look.. imo. Also the width of this mod is not necessarily to be flashy but more so to go with the 1/2 inch lip theme I made for the side skirt.
Since I had the resin and glass out I made the driver side rear bumper mod as well. Should be able pop this one tonight when i get home and then I'm off on finishing up that rear bumper.
Then tried laying the carbon fiber on the cluster inlay mold with some very smooth plastic in-between. applied the clear resin to the back side. I'm not in any way a guru at carbon fiber and this is the first project I've done with it so just kind of trial and error with this part of it. If this part pops the way I need it to, I will then apply some resin to the opposite side and insert it into the dash.
lastly .. don't leave a $30 gallon of gelcoat unattended for a year... it will go bad 

New Reader
3/17/20 6:03 a.m.
Greg Smith said:
Thank you Greg. I'm having a blast with it and cant wait to see how this new motor does.. should be a quick little porsche 
New Reader
3/28/20 11:43 a.m.
So I made a video of some of the updates i've been doing to the porsche and living in michigan on lockdown.. i'm getting some extra time in.
Below is some picks of what i was working on this morning. wet sanding and buffing the vents i made for the rear deck lid i glassed in a few days ago. just finished painting, clear, wet sanding and buffing.
how did i do guys?

Beautiful. The paint work makes me sad for my lack of skill. But I'll keep practicing.
New Reader
3/29/20 4:20 p.m.
New Reader
4/10/20 6:56 p.m.
New Reader
8/12/20 6:29 a.m.
howdy all, remember me? well after a couple months of furlough and doing carpentry to keep the $ flowing in. then some time to finish up the pool project at my house(pics below) I am finally back to working on the green meany.
To be honest I came real close to throwing it up on craigslists because it was just killing me to see it under a tarp sitting in my garage with so many other projects on my plate. but under fear of revolt from my son.. I didn't lol
so getting back into this.. i'm so lost
I pulled out all the parts that need to be put on and fab up to try and get my head wrapped around what I have going on and ya its gonna be a head ache.

New Reader
8/12/20 8:26 a.m.
In reply to tremm :
Thanks ya it was grass and trees all around that pool. and the only cement was the 24" of light brown ring around it. my wife and i did it all with our hand, not machinery other then the cement mixer. it turned out quite well. the kids LOVE it.
I still have alittle fiberglass to do. my next hurdle will the be the hood mod where i will try my hand at some more steel forming to make a scoop likened to a GT40 for the intercooler. After i get my head back into what all i have going on so far though first lol
I really want to get my engine hooked up and running and lambo dash powered up. thats my next drive then onto the cosmetic stuff as thats usually a little easier for me.

New Reader
10/27/20 4:12 p.m.
Well i'v gotten to the point of getting this motor figured out. One problem is ... I am horrible at electrical
I have a stand alone labeled harness first thing is i need to get that figured out on the motor. After that i need to hook up the necessary wires from the Porsche to the engine.
Question.. is there anyone on the Michigan who knows this stuff and would want to make some side cash for a day to come and give me a hand. Someone who knows this stuff.. i'm lost. everything else pertaining to this build is cake to me but this electrical... just over my head. i'm reading and reading up on it and i'm just worried about messing up a very nicely built motor or leaving myself stranded somewhere because of some silly mistake.
name your reasonable price