Also, update: LA Sleeve is apparently not ready to release my cylinders.
3 weeks ago they said they'd be done. Then they said the guy who did the milling was on vaca. Then the mill was down. Last week they said they'd be out of there friday if not tuesday. I called back yet again and they apparently still have the milling machine down but a tech was out last week and they're trying to dial it in. 3 weeks behind. Cannot do jack diddly till the sleeves arrive. Still, first world problems, but frustrating.
Until then I guess I'll work on wiring, interior crap, and uhhh, play some video games.
Ok, the sleeves are finally on their way after I called and dealt with them over and over and over. I gotta say, given my frustration in their lack of communication and their delays I will likely not do business with them again.
I get equipment failures, and I totally understand that stuff happens. But when you can't keep your customer well in the loop, and no one there knows the same story and you keep getting conflicting information every time you call from someone else, and "next week" turns into another week into another... well... I've got a bitter taste in my mouth.
Anyway, hopefully the machining ended up turning out well, they should be here by friday.
9/7/16 12:25 p.m.
Not to sound 'negative', but hoping you paid for the sleeves via a good credit (no debit) card, so you have some level of recourse available to you if the machining turns out to match the customer service aspects of that provider - just in case.
einy wrote:
Not to sound 'negative', but hoping you paid for the sleeves via a good credit (no debit) card, so you have some level of recourse available to you if the machining turns out to match the customer service aspects of that provider - just in case.
I'm going to try and stay positive in hopes I don't have to deal with some bad machining. We went pretty extensively into things over the phone on the machining bits and they were supposed to exactly reproduce it. I won't know till friday but will post updates once it gets here.
Realistically, if I had known it would have been this much of a pain in the ass, I would have rather dealt with Lamborghini and bought factory sleeves since the price was about the same. My concern was that the factory stuff would be brutally delayed. But at this point, it probably would have been about the same.
I'm sorry you've been disappointed in LA Sleeve, particularly since I'm the guy who sent you to them (many pages back). I've had great service out of them but my stuff isn't Lamborghini caliber either.
Cousin_Eddie wrote:
I'm sorry you've been disappointed in LA Sleeve, particularly since I'm the guy who sent you to them (many pages back). I've had great service out of them but my stuff isn't Lamborghini caliber either.
Parts are parts, metal is metal is metal. You need not apologize as you don't control their communication and their communication is their choice. The sleeves finally arrived so I'm in a much better mood. I'm headed to the machinist tomorrow with a huge box of parts and he can verify that everything is proper once we get them there. But they look gorgeous!
Some before and after

Ultimately, the caliber of the work outweighs everything else. Hopefully it all checks out with the machinist.
That's a nice finish for moly rings too.
Jerry From LA wrote:
Ultimately, the caliber of the work outweighs everything else. Hopefully it all checks out with the machinist.
Will know tonight once I get off work.
Jerry From LA wrote:
That's a nice finish for moly rings too.
Yep! the rings supplied from JE piston are essentially the same as a moly face ring, and they recommended a fine finish, and it still needs a fine hone to knock the extra material off.
In reply to corsepervita:
Those would make super cool coffee and beer mugs, a little pricey but they would make a great conversation piece.
Dropped off:
The pistons (again, due to wrong rings), the new rings, sleeves, tons of bearings, another second main bearing set (now complete) rod bearings, gaskets... and the rest will be here friday.
more parts arrived today. parts for water pump rebuild, gaskets for the engine and a few other goodies. unfortunately the stuff couldn't be cross referenced and had to be ordered from the factory, but it's here at last!

So if you buy Lamborghini parts from the factory do you save and frame the Lamborghini plastic? I know I would.
Stampie wrote:
So if you buy Lamborghini parts from the factory do you save and frame the Lamborghini plastic? I know I would.
LOL! It's probably been sitting on a shelf since the 80s. I could probably make a little collage out of the plastic lol.
Also, why does it show that my thread has 11 pages but I can only click on page 8 and the others say "broke." Weird, either that or I'm having a browser issue.
I noticed the main page states 11 pages but the thread only shows 8. I clicked through all pages but did not get one that says Broke. If you have a link to a broken page please post it and I will look into it.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I noticed the main page states 11 pages but the thread only shows 8. I clicked through all pages but did not get one that says Broke. If you have a link to a broken page please post it and I will look into it.
All 3 of these page links say "Broken." I'm going to guess it's the Lamborghini curse. This thread has officially started to break, and is likely going to find a head gasket failure and need about 15 hours of welding per head, errrr... page, to fix.
Thanks, I will see what I can find out.
Not to hijack your completely awesome thread, but RE: the page number thing - it looks like the board is doing something weird with page numbers. If you click the last page displayed from the index (11 for this thread, or 83 in Mazdeuce's Grosh thread, for example) you get the "broke" page. This thread is actually 8 pages, the Grosh thread is actually 60. Some kind of weird miscalculation going on. It's most apparent with threads that are approaching 2 pages but haven't quite made it there yet - the index shows them as 2. I usually just click the little arrow to get to the last post anyway, which seems to still be working!
Back to your regularly scheduled programming!
Thanks for the additional info!
The board seems to be condensing threads into less pages. All the posts are there but the page count is reduced.
Not Jalpa Related:
A while back when one of the guys from lambopower drove his jalpa down to see mine, my friend went with us with his 993. During that time, he said "this is going to be an RWB car soon."
At first I thought, "Maybe he's just intending to but, will he? How does that work?"
After working on his Murcielago, he told me just before I left that Nakai-san was coming here to do his car and I should come visit. I went, "wait, you were serious about the RWB thing?"
I got to watch him put together an RWB car in person and then got to go to dinner with him. I have to say, his attention to detail is superb, he is very passionate about the cars, and he is so down to earth and humble. What a cool guy. It was a lot of fun watching him take everything apart and put things together and see his method to the madness.
I got to ask him a few questions over dinner, and come to find out, he likes oldschool lambos like me. We talked about the Espada a little bit, apparently he really likes them. Nice guy.