Well, sound like we'll be aiming for midweek. Just a quick update. The o-rings I got are not a good fit, which sucks. The cross size was way too fat. He also discovered that the head was planed a few thou off at the skim (not from him but the place that repaired my heads). So he's going to redo that as well. We're very close. He's making sure everything is going to be fantastic before we throw it on the dyno.
I have to say that while I know I'm really excited for dyno day, I am thankful that I have a machinist that cares to make sure EVERYTHING is lined up before we get things done.
He has also cut the relief in the pistons as they were off from JE pistons as well. I'm hoping JE will go ahead and reimburse me for that, since taking the block apart before he moves, sending them back, having them cut them, sending them back and then hoping they got it right a second time wasn't going to happen.
The exhaust side was way off, and he cut the relief by hand and they look phenomenal.
The beehive springs are a better spring rate than stock, and he's going to have to machine the cups for the retainers, so that's going to also push things out mid week anyway.
I have to do some maintenance and an install for a customer wednesday, so it sounds like thursday should hopefully be "the day".
I've found my HD camera, and will also live stream the dyno. I know my machinist wants to get some REALLY good footage of this thing, and he has put a huge amount of work into a custom skid just for this engine for his dyno. He's as emotionally invested in this as I am.
I was talking to him tonight about how rare it is just to come across anyone who takes as much interest in a build as the customer does. He is most certainly one of those people. I never thought I'd find someone like that so close to home, and it makes me sad he is moving. But I plan on sending my Porsche head off to him later on when it comes time for that. (that should be a lot less time consuming, easier, and what not for him lol)
Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted. Sounds like the shims are going to work out great, and everything is lining up. We're out of the danger zone of anything else messing up the build. We're just at the point of the last bit of machining, assembly, checking clearances, and we should be gold.
Also I need to find the right O-Rings lol. I think I might have pulled a derp and left the damn thing at his shop (the oil return tube) and the oring. So I'll have to text him tomorrow and get the ID from him on the orings I ordered. Sucks, because the viton rings I ordered (with a lot of extras) were close to $70, and now I can't even use them.