4cylndrfury wrote:
Man, this is the most thrilling thread Ive had the pleasure to read in a while. I know the anxiety and the setbacks can be crippling. Just know that you have dozens of guys across all corners of the map pulling for you man. I wish I could help in some way - the idea with the smaller pulley was what I came up with. Or, if you can make it fit, a taller pulley could help the bigger belts.
Either way, I think things will work out. If worse comes to worst, a chassis dyno is not the worst alternative. I bet the machinist is just as excited/invested in seeing this thing make fantastical European sports-car sounds as you are. We're all rooting for you guys!
I appreciate the support, and I am glad that other people have enjoyed this build. I've wanted to do this since I was just a kid. The anxiety and frustration will be worth it in the end. I'll tell you a story. I try to be a transparent person, and you have all been incredibly supportive. So I suppose it's story time.
I have been unable to chase anything but cars for most of my life, aside from paragliding, which has been pushed to the side during this build. It's like an addiction I simply can't get rid of. This car was a defining moment for me during my marriage, and a large reason I am no longer married.
Years ago, I bought this car and my wife and I said we'd talk about kids when it was done. Time moved on a bit, she decided she wanted to talk about it now. That essentially turned into, "If you can't finish this car soon, you should maybe sell it and we should have kids now because that's what I want. This is taking a long time and I don't really want to wait forever."
I never really wanted them deep down, though she was the one person I had met that took me from, "I definitely don't want them." to, "I would consider talking about it with you, because I love you." and when faced with the reality of giving up everything I'd worked for, I realized that my life would take a drastically different path. One that after thinking about over and over for a good week straight, realized I could not do. I think it took actually facing the decision for me to make the choice to say, "I don't think I can be that guy for you." Which was the hardest thing to do.
I told her I could not do that. She asked for a divorce. It was civil and amicable. I still loved her very much, but I knew that what she wanted out of a lifelong partner was not what I could give her, and she deserved more. She let me keep the house and the Lambo, since I paid for them. She didn't want to rake me through the coals, nor did I want to do that to her. She understood. We went our separate ways. She's now with someone who makes her very happy, which makes me happy to see.
For some they are just toys, a weekend project, and something to tinker with. For me they are a lifelong journey, and passion, and something that I simply cannot shove aside because they are everything I've wanted since I can remember. It's like the best of engineering, art, passion and automotive lust and love all at the same time.
It cost me someone I love dearly. She is happy now, and I have no bad feelings toward her, and still care. I got snipped after my divorce, because I realized I couldn't live that life. A permanent solution and finalized choice to alter the path I've taken.
Chasing this has cost me relationships, my marriage, and a very lonely path along the way. But there is nothing I would rather do, than chase the things in life that I hold dear to me. Life is too short to do otherwise, and my actions and path have had consequences. The end result though is the only way at the end of the day I can find myself happy.
I would not have it any other way.