I'd consider modifying the sticker pallette for next year. Go with the green for the cat, but have the cats body silver (instead of the black for the car) best of both worlds especially with the green from the R graphic on the quarter.
I wish I had seen this thread months ago to suggest this. Great job on the build!
The Eagle has landed home safely.

1,878 Miles round trip. The Jaaaaag performed flawlessly. I'm exhausted. It'll take me a few days to gather my thoughts (& recover) then I'll respond to you all and post the trip details.
In reply to Indy-Guy :
Awesome! I’m so glad you & the boys made it down this year.
Hell yeah! Looks like a great trip. I'll echo that the Jaaaag looks awesome in it's racing livery.
Glad you are home safe, indy. Take pictures of the daughter thing we talked about.....
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I had an outstanding time hanging out with my two sons: they're going to fine young men soon. It's the type of car adventure I always wanted to share with my own Dad, but sadly never had the opportunity to.
I'm still a bit "speechless" as I sit here trying to convey my experience of the Challenge. I think for the moment, I'll just post some more pics and circle back around later to add some words/thoughts.

I think the Jag turned out to be a pretty photogenic cat.
Dusterbd13-michael said:
Glad you are home safe, indy. Take pictures of the daughter thing we talked about.....
that sounds really creepy
The most important thing is we want to see you and the kids back again next year!
Seeing the boys in the Gastropod shirts made me smile. Looking forward to actually meeting up with you next year.
It's the first time this Florida Cat has ever seen this weird white stuff:

And that right there is why I raced the Challenge on 500 treadwear all season tires.
It's so....naked!
I almost took a pic of the SHO in the snow today too, but thought better of standing in the white E36 M3 vs getting in the car lol
2019 Challenge Summary:
Day One (Traveling) :
Because being a good Dad is a big priority in my life, I wanted to share the Challenge experience with my two sons: Indy-Kid #2 and Indy-Kid #3. Coincidentally, it was Indy-Kid #3's 10th B-day. What a way to celebrate!
We had the car packed and departed our Indianapolis Area home at 2:00 Wednesday.

We meet up with Gumby and his wife at 2:30. They were running a super Rad first gen Taurus SHO:

A couple of stops along the way:

We missed the Corvette Museum by about 10 minutes, so instead of a tour and souvenirs, we got this photo op:

We had quite a few slow downs in Nashville due to construction, a traffic accident, and the GPS sending us through residential streets, but we finally arrived at maschinenbau’s place in Atlanta by 12:30 am. Travis, thanks again for letting us crash there.

Both cars performed Great, no problems.
On the way home from the Library tonight (with three Indy-kids in the car) this happened:

... I've owned it for 11,000 trouble free miles.
I still love this Jaaaaag.
11,000! A new record for Jaguar reliability
I kid, I kid...
AxeHealey said:
In reply to Indy-Guy :
Shoulda been going 90!
True, However see comment about the Three Indy-Kids tagging along when the OD rolled. Gotta set a good example for the next generation, despite my natural tendencies.
In reply to Indy-Guy :
Yeah, yeah, parenthood, I get it.
I was, however, just telling someone a couple days ago how much I can't wait to teach my daughter the requirement of testing the burnout ability of every rental car.
2/22/20 2:29 p.m.
For home to the airport to mine just last night, and it gave me a smile:

This happened on the way home, marking just about 20k miles of ownership for mine. I actually wasn't even watching for this, just happened to look down at a stop light (it was a long one, and gave me time to pull my phone out and snag a pic).

2/22/20 2:30 p.m.
Note: I don't usually back into parking spaces, but I thought there might be snow while I was out and I wanted the windshield further away from possible snow.
Got my 15 seconds of fame:

I still have your turn signal lens in my glove box.
Hmm, haven't gotten my issue yet
docwyte said:
Hmm, haven't gotten my issue yet
I just got mine yesterday. Yours will probably come in today's mail.
Oil change time.

I know, I know, you're wondering: "why are you doing an oil change in the gravel, redneck/hillbilly style?"
.... Well...... That's because both bays of the garage are occupied by the project car:

Things still look pretty dry under here. (No leaks)

Note to self: next oil change due at 95,000 miles and crank case oil capacity is 8 quarts. (so you don't have to look it up again)

Nice to see still going strong. No matter how big the garage or shop, they are always filled with projects.