As you may well know by the fact that I post on these forums, I am not a well man. I am a cheap man, I am a man who has very poor taste in exotic Japanese economy cars, and I am also pretty lazy.
But, you should never start a sentence with 'but,' so I won't.
Years ago, in a place forgotten to most men, I met a man who you know as McTinkerson. He came highly recommended to me by a series of other unwell men as a dude who knew a lot about epitrochoids. All I knew is that you put Preparation H on them.
Eventually we became amigos and then, as is our wont in life, enablers. He helped me pick up garbage cars from his city, and I helped him hoard garbage parts from mine.
When it came time for him to get married, we needed a bad idea for a bachelor party. Not just any bad idea: a really bad idea. Involving cars. Because why not?
Therein was the genesis of the Trans Mountain to Tide Water Rally 2016, which we will be embarking upon very soonishly.
A thousand dollar car. With aesthetics and safety not counted in the budget. But what would I build with my partner?
The answer came to me in a dream. It was a dream I had when I was a kid, and fell victim to the local form of fever in the suburban neighbourhood I grew up in. That fever was Toyota Madness, and many are still afflicted with it even today.
I was obsessed with the ST162 Celica. Its supple non-curves. Its luscious interior. Its workaday stereo. Its tiny, tiny wheels. Its flippy headlights. I had to have one, but life got in the way and so I never got my Celica. Now, with the rally, I at last had my chance.
One thousand of our Canadian dollars (approximate US street value: $37.62) bought this car from a successful young professional who had gotten it a decade before for her Sweet 16.

It shifted alright, ran rough, didn't like to turn, stop, or go over bumps. This poor baby had been sitting for nearly two years and was frozen to the ground in a mud puddle when we broke it free and bought it in the dark. When enthusiastically cornering a wodge of pine needles fell out and hit the car behind us.
So what was wrong with it? A build thread that I created on a local forum had the original list:
- Power antenna broken off
- Drivers' side brake light does not function, nor the running lights. Not so sure the passenger side running light is working OK. Third brake light is staggeringly bright.
- High-end System 10 stereo's CD player does not function, appears to have lost radio code since last fire (bad battery connection or vampire drain suspected). Lower (yes, there are two) LCD appears to have started leaking in the corners.
- Previous owner says it occasionally just doesn't start on its own and needs a jump, supporting previous conclusion of bad battery, bad connection, bad alt or vampire drain.
- Passenger side door only latches if you give it a real punt
- Windshield is beyond pooched. Possibly original Toyota windshield based on badging, advanced stage of pitting/chipping
- Drivers' side window likes going down, doesn't like going back up
- Misc. missing trim, buttons
- Hatch struts collapsed, snow brush provided for safe use of copious hatch area. For purposes of rally accounting, snow brush is valued at $20 FMV (it is very nice).
- Covered in organic detritus
- Fog light button was stuck on when purchased, fog lights non-functional
- Front clunk seems like swaybars
- One spot of damp on the valve cover gasket
- Struts are generously described as "present"
- Something's leaking coolant but not real fast
- Idealistically pulls to the left but doesn't take much effort to turn catastrophically right, like newly-elected socialist governments
- Gear throw is a mile long, feels like swimming in congealed porridge when you start really going to town on it
- Steering wheel, gear knob have terminal stage 'hand lotion wear'
- Power adjustable bolster/lumbar support is only available for the drivers' side seat which will make the passenger jealous during long drives
- Some rust
- Left rear wheel makes ungodly grinding noise when rolled, does not burn rust off of rotor when enthusiastically LFB'd for miles at highway speeds. Also that wheel is missing its centre cap. COINCIDENCE???
- Centre console is filthy, as are the front seats
- Spoiler too small
- Lacks hood scoop
So really nothing. The car's fine. Fine!
It wasn't fine.