1/13/16 9:05 a.m.
OK I know they are out there.
We all love a good build thread, but also know that a lot of projects never hit the finish line.
Who has a grandiose project that "Went missing" and languishes in some obscure hiding spot of the garage or back 40? Lets see some some pics of their resting places.
OK I'll bite. I was going to say the snocat is finally underway after 8 years but then I remembered this.
I bought a Honda CB750 to use the engine and a few components to build a single seat buggy or "stadium light" then bought a 2 seater and never looked back. Except occasionally to complain about how this thing is still taking up precious real estate in my shop. I think that was 10 years ago this year 
You're too late

I was working on a scratchbuilt GT40 before we started having kids (and before I bought an Alfa). I had the chassis plans, front suspension components, and most of the rear components. A steering column and an audi 6spd transaxle.
It had been YEARS since I've done so much as even google GT40 videos, so I traded them all for some cash and a new shooter

that came with it's own project parts

Is that a shriners amphicar ^ ?

Pedal Moszkvics for the Hungarling 

Fergus. Still waiting. It has kept me from even seriously thinking about any other projects, which is beneficial I suppose. I also cleaned everything off the top which is progress of a sort.
I like the car. I'll get to it. Eventually. 
I want updates on Aussie's projects!
1/13/16 11:26 a.m.

I've had my share of failed projects. Combination of my over ambition, budget squeezes, and house moves. This rare over here 1969 Reliant Scimitar GTE I could fix now but 10 years ago was a bit beyond me. Sold when we moved house.

I bought this Honda S600 which looked far gone here but proved to be even worse than I could imagine once cleaned up. A 70s drag racer wannbe cut the body and frame up to fit a Chev 350 and "lighten" it. Sold it as a parts car to a rotary powered S600 owner.
Prove that I don't learn - currently attempting to make a convertible speedster style custom from the shell of an Austin A40 Devon.
1/13/16 11:52 a.m.
Those are some neat skeletons in the closet. The GT 40 sounded ambitious!
I have been long fascinated by the Diata. Where does it live now?
1/13/16 12:42 p.m.
I have a Zetec, a 4 speed transmission and Mustang II steering rack and column for a Locost 7 build. I'm in a point in my life now, I think I have a better chance to buy a used Birkin with a xflow.

It seems most of my automotive endeavors end in ... nothingness.
All the ambition in the world until my ADHD kicks in.
According to photobucket, I uploaded these images 10(!) years ago.

It's in the exact same position. Only with more stuff piled on.
1/13/16 1:57 p.m.
It moved. 1560 miles south. Serves as a dd. For now.
Who was it that was building a turbine (jet engine) for a gocart or the like a few years back...was fabbing a combustion chamber and whatnot in the driveway. Anyone else remember that one?
1/13/16 2:58 p.m.
Burrito wrote:
According to photobucket, I uploaded these images 10(!) years ago.
It's in the exact same position. Only with more stuff piled on.
This is what I am talking about...viable project that got put aside for no real reason (that I can see).
What are those Zagatos? Whatever they are they are nice looking. And who has enough garage space to just let car sit? Not me for sure.
New Reader
1/13/16 3:43 p.m.
How about some father-son projects that never quite happened?
Starting with the 1986 Firebird that taught me to know what I'm looking at before I buy a project. Probably not nearly bad enough to abandon to some of you, But my 18 year old self got pretty discouraged when I was lying underneath it taking a transmission out and realized I could look up and see insulation that should be obscured by steel (I found out before long that the driver's side floor has tiny holes all through it, rear inner fenders were also pretty hole-y, along with the lower rear quarters....and the trailing arm mounts...and the drivers side a-pillar). Previous owner abandoned the project after doing some pretty iffy work and then I made an even bigger mess of it. Last known plan involved taking the engine/trans out and putting them into the black XJ seen in the background. I've seen realized it'd be much smarter to just rebuild that XJ's 4.0 and have it as a decent daily driver again. I'm not going to lie and tell you I know if anything is going to happen with them soon.

And here we see my dad's '95 325iA Convertible that may or may not ever be able to be registered again, sitting next to his '79 Datsun 280ZX 5 speed that's been sitting ever since I knew what a car was.

At least the suspiciously flamboyant Oldsmobile Bravada is getting a starter put on it after I get home from class tomorrow....probably.
"dig-up-those-dead-projects" - My biggest fear... 
1/13/16 4:09 p.m.
Chadeux wrote:
sitting next to his '79 Datsun 280ZX 5 speed that's been sitting ever since I knew what a car was.
At least the suspiciously flamboyant Oldsmobile Bravada is getting a starter put on it after I get home from class tomorrow....probably.
That 280 looks unmolested. What put it in the corner?
The guys at Freakonomics did a podcast titled "The Upside of Quitting" which directly addressed my personal bugaboo of never knowing when to throw in the towel. I listened to it an was inspired to sell (at a cinsiderable loss) my RX-7 V-8 project that ran, just never ran right. I dumped it and about ten other projects (the great American novel, a universal platform trouble ticket software project, losing 75 pounds, and others). Focusing on only one doable project I had. I now have a V6 Miata that runs good, starts every time, and I don't have to constantly worry and fret over. Really a nice feeling.
Just so you know that I am not totally sane I keep wondering what engine would best fit a Maserati BiTurbo.
New Reader
1/13/16 4:12 p.m.
In reply to NOHOME:
It originally got parked in a field because of a clutch slave cylinder if I remember correctly. It sat there for a I think 8 years, and then it moved to that spot probably 6 years ago.
In reply to NOHOME:
Just a pair of Alfa GTV 2000s. Those two are what's left of my Father's substantial Alfa hoarding in the 1990's. These ones are some form of the least rusty, straightest, or lowest mileage of all the GTVs that came into our family; probably 20+ total.
There will be a build thread for the pair of them eventually. We've worked out a deal where I do the rust repair and sheet metal work on his GTV (the bare metal one) and his '55 Chevy Panel Truck as payment for the Silver car.
Some of you convinced me to get it, and some of you have shared in bench racing sessions with me.

I've acquired a lot of parts needed to make it a +T, i.e. turbo head, manifolds, turbo, and have gotten a couple Megasquirt IIs since dragging the car home, but for now the Volvo is still way on the back burner.
It has sat in that same spot I rolled it off of the trailer into my parent's side yard for over a year. Well technically I think dad has rolled it back and forth with the tractor to mow around it.
There was hope, we were going to buy a house, and I had SWMBO's blessing to build a shop, then that fell through, now we're attempting to buy another house/land, so that glimmer of hope hasn't been completely extinguished. As of right now though, there's no room for any more projects of this size at our little slice of subdivision Hell.
mazdeuce wrote:
Fergus. Still waiting. It has kept me from even seriously thinking about any other projects, which is beneficial I suppose. I also cleaned everything off the top which is progress of a sort.
I like the car. I'll get to it. Eventually.
Ferguus looks like it is a three day thrash away from running and driving.