Monday after TTNats found me back at the Tail of the Dragon. I managed to get permission to go there last year on the way home, and miraculously got permission to do it again this year. I left Bowling Green somewhere around 2AM and unloaded at the Tennessee end of the Dragon. First pass was great, and I took it faster than my usual first run through since it was fairly fresh in my mind. I whipped the car around at the gas station and headed right back. It was glorious as traffic was light and cooperative. There were a couple of photogs shooting and I'm going to have to pony up for some pics when I get home. What a lovely day.

After taking a little break at the truck for a drink, I set off for North Carolina again. What I didn't notice was a Blount County sheriff officer running radar, maybe at the overlook, who knows? I was hammer-down the whole ride to the gas station again. I never saw him.
I parked at the gas station since I had to use the facilities, and picked up a Mt Dew. While in line to pay, the cop was in the store. I half heard him talking about dangerous drivers, with snippets that amounted to "if he's going to keep driving like that, he's going to kill himself or someone else, or he's going to jail." He left the store before I got to the cashier.

Outside the store, the cop was talking to a manager-type person from the store, and the two were looking down the parking lot in the direction of where I parked the car. I stopped and weighed my options. It was pretty obvious that I was the dangerous driver in question, and he probably wasn't going to let me walk past him, to the car, get in the car, and drive away scot-free. So I took off my hat to show the maximum amount of grey hairs and walked up to him.
"I think you're looking for me," I said.
"Are you the driver of that silver Mazda?"
"You're in trouble."
To boil the story down, he threatened to take me downtown and impound the car, but since I approached him and owned up to everything, he cut me a couple breaks. First break, I wasn't going to get arrested and the car wasn't going to get hauled off. Second break, even though he was going to write me a well-deserved ticket, it was going to be a county-level violation and not a state-level violation. This, he said, should keep points off my license. So, while this would be my first speeding ticket in over twenty years, it probably wasn't going to be as devastating as it could have been. He even said I would be free to stay in the area and keep making runs, though he advised that I keep my speed down (saying that he lets most people who seem to know what they're doing get away with speeds up to 45 MPH). He was pretty reasonable, telling me that he has to respond to a lot of accidents on the road and didn't want me to be in one whether it's my fault or not.
Having said that, I was no longer in the mood to keep making runs. I drove back to the truck and loaded up, and made the eight-hour ride home stewing in my anger at how bad I was and how much worse the consequences could have been. I figured I was going to get read the riot act when I got home, and I'd deserve it. I figured I earned a lifetime ban from going back to the Dragon, and planned on canceling the two Track Nights on the next few weeks' agenda to punish myself.
When I got home, Kate's first question was "how was the Dragon?" and I said I got a ticket, and prepared for the wrath. Instead, Kate laughed at me. I wasn't going to go through the whole story till a couple of days had passed, but since she wasn't really mad I went through it all. Then I said I was canceling Road Atlanta and PittRace as penance, and she said that was a bad idea. So I didn't, though I was still beating myself up, and all she said was GET OVER IT.
Fast forward a couple weeks when I called the courthouse to find out how big my fine was. The lady answering mentioned that the cop cut me a considerable break, as I indeed earned no points, and all I'd have to pay was $20. I had her repeat that to make sure I heard it right. Yup, twenty bucks, payable with a certifed check or money order.
I just might go back to the Dragon again after all. But if I do, I'm going to keep it under 45 MPH.