Hey ive got a few build threads but this one is most important to me. A little story on the car. Its a 1972 ss nova. decoding the cowl tag I learned it was factory gold with a 4 speed and ac. I remember my uncle bringing the car home in 1993 when I was 8 years old. he kept the car for a few years before getting tired of it and giving it to my grandpa. we were broke so when repairs needed to be done to the car it was the cheapest way out. when the 4 speed went, it was yanked out and a turbo350 was put in. later when the disc brake spindle was burnt off the car they were replaced with drum brakes. The windshield started to leak so clear silicone was applied to seal it. there are two license plates in each floorboard because of rust. AS time went on everyone but myself lost interest in the car. my grandparents were extremely hesitant when I approached them about buying the car because of the drive trane combined with my age of maturity. the car wound up on craigslist for sale. I stumbled upon the post and immediately made a phone call to see what was going on. after many heated conversations with my grandparents they decided they would rather see me have the car rather than someone that would do who knows what with a car that has been in the family since 1978. so I dragged the car home to Kentucky. had it for a year or so and a bad winter combined with weak antifreeze resulted in a cracked block. well as everyone knows family and life happens so the car sat for around 2 years. we moved and had a new baby. I moved in side my company. I got intrigued by a duramax powered chevelle on youtube that was running 10 secs flat 1/4 miles. I hunted down the owner through facebook. we had numerous conversations where I asked tons of questions. the biggest question I had was what kind of milage does your 10 sec street car get. when he told me 32-35 depending on how he drives it I was to say the least done talking to him. I thought he was lying and have no time for "pull your leg" conversations. well after a lot of thermal energy exchange dynamics figures and drag coefficient calculations. engine efficiency research and fluid friction research I determined that he was telling me the truth. This resparked my interest in the nova. I mean an un heard of torque and fuel mileage combination that no big block can deliver. I dug deep into craigslist until I found an ad right up the street from where I was working for a duramax delivery truck with blown headgaskets. I went and looked at the truck. they accepted my $1000.00 offer. I wound up driving the truck home and found out it has no more than a leaking egr cooler. well anyways here goes nothing. I will post pics of progress. I do like to detail what im doing because there is no reason to leve a bunch of un answered questions on the table.
7/15/16 10:17 a.m.
Old Novas are Cool. Torque is fun. Should be interesting.
well after a lot of thermal energy exchange dynamics figures and drag coefficient calculations. engine efficiency research and fluid friction research I determined that he was telling me the truth.
I see where you have been doing your homework. Curious if you are learning to swim in the deep end or are you already comfortable with this level of building?
I see where you have been doing your homework. Curious if you are learning to swim in the deep end or are you already comfortable with this level of building?
I have a build thread on here titled
The evil twin
You can find it here as well
Not sure how deep you are talking but I really have no reserves lol
small sidebar, but along the same lines....
Toyota made a small diesel capable of working in a Corolla - 1C. I always wanted to run one of Toyota's superchargers, along with the 1C and build a torquer....
now back to 3_8scbug's build.... 
Toyota made a small diesel capable of working in a Corolla - 1C. I always wanted to run one of Toyota's superchargers
On another note after the engine is functional I'll be adding a 3.0 liter twin screw Whipple supercharger to the duramax
I fully support this idea- please change absolutely nothing about the exterior of the car, it looks perfect.
Dork I have thought it over a lot and some body parts will get changed with parts from other cars that are in better shape but I see no reason to paint it. So it will be a little piece of other cars sprits
Awesome looking Nova. My late brother had a 72, no options except rally wheels. 307 powerglide bench seat vinyl floors no ps or pb. 307 hater or not, the car was fun to drive.
High five for keeping the car in the family also.
Enjoy the build. Diesel will be different.
PawPaw added traction bars?!
Speedhut gauges. They are incredibly accurate and comparably priced.
Woody wrote:
PawPaw added traction bars?!
Why yes, yes he did. I was 23 and he was 68 when we got pulled over in the car with him driving for laying drag he was trying to play with a camaro which was an undercover Calhoun GA police car

Never seen a gear indicator like this
Drove home from Georgia to Kentucky yesterday. On my way I picked up a complete front dog house. A set of doors. An extra set of fenders and done other misc parts. The one I'm most excited about is the ash tray. Now I don't smoke but I thought it was cool and different because I have never seen one with the lighter in the ash tray. I've only ever seen the ones on the dash
7/18/16 8:52 a.m.
3_8scbug wrote:
I see where you have been doing your homework. Curious if you are learning to swim in the deep end or are you already comfortable with this level of building?
I have a build thread on here titled
The evil twin
You can find it here as well
Not sure how deep you are talking but I really have no reserves lol
OK, now I have you placed in the grand scheme of things. You are in the deepend working way over your head. But you are so far out there that you are just making the deep end deeper.

And lets be honest here...Who DOES'NT need a VW Bettle with two supercharged 3800 drive-trains?

been looking at wiring diagrams on the duramax pcm and bcm. was mainly concerned with how the passkey system is set up. they are super simple. anyways got the front off the car.

Got the front clip off the Nova, got the engine out. Also got some of the front of the box truck off getting ready to pull the engine out it hopefully next week.
THis should be interesting to follow. Good luck to you!
OK been working away at this. Just haven't posted pics. Got the engine in the Nova sitting on the mounts. Ready to start the small things. Wiring. Fuel system.