Didn't get any wrenchtime in yesterday because I took my son, joined by my cousin Dave and his wife, snowboarding in Big Bear and I got to finally try out my new board. Very good day even with the short amount of time we got on the slopes. Tell my neighbor that I do go places and do other things than work on cars! That brings us to today.

Since this is to be a daily, and I'm unsure how soul sucking it will be; this!
Thanks to my friend Byron's discount at a big box store I got the headunit for under $100. Ebay the harness, antenna jack and faceplace combo for under $20. Speakers I don't know how much I paid for they've been sitting on my shelf for a year or two or longer. Will have to get an updated tally of actual cost of everything so far.

The craigslist soldering iron I just bought (weller 40w) is way hotter/quicker than the throwaway hobby iron I've had for years (the one with a very rusted and loose tip that I can't replace because the screw head is stripped.) I've got to stop being cheap and get myself a decent iron with a stand and a tip cleaner and temp adjustment. Maybe that $80 Hakko from amazon?
Anyway, in addition to my cousin David being up for the weekend, my buddies Phil and Byron came by today to hang out and help me turn some wrenches.
So as I was swapping out exhaust manifolds on my IS300 (P0430 Catalyst system efficiency below threshold bank 2) Which led me to finding out my valve cover is leaking. Explains why I was low on oil yesterday when doing the pre-roadtrip checks. Dammit that's more money and a bitch of a job too.

Byron started to take off the door skin, then his gf called so Phil finished removing it. Then David came in to remove the window, replaced the door seal, put the window back in and resecured the sill onto the guide and with Phil's help put it all back together. Then the two of them moved to the driver's side and did that door seal as well. Man, friends rock! I was seriously not wanting to do that job at all. At all. Now when it rains, or when I wash the car, I won't get a gallon of water in my passenger side footwell. Hopefully. And my passenger side window works!
Byron finally got off the phone with his gf and made us ca phe su da (Vietnamese iced coffee) and Phil made us breakfast, after that break we were back at it. The IS300 was buttoned up and the code erased. We'll see if that does the trick. Byron gapped and installed the new NGK coppers I got (not pictured.)
I install everyone's stereos except my own. This is the first headunit/speakers I've ever purchased for one of my own cars. The only thing I did on this install was dremel the dash kit, solder the harness, solder the speakers and screw them in. The guys did a stellar job with the install and I don't think I could have done any better.

Byron removed the intake and throttle body so I could clean it.

Wow that was so nasty. It's a wonder my gas pedal wasn't sticking. I tried to clean the intake manifold where I could reach as well and it was coming out in caked goop. Lawdy I don't think a seafoam through the intake is going to do much. Any ideas short of removing the intake manifold and soaking it?

Also changed this out since I had access. The plug had been replaced before by someone and didn't look corroded at all. This should bring my idle down under 1300rpm. Byron reinstalled the throttle body and intake tube, I grilled up some porkchops, fried some over easy eggs and we all had dinner with some rice. Said goodbye to Dave and his wife as they left for the long drive home. Sunlight has gone, Byron moved the car to the center of the driveway so we can continue onto the brakes.
After I remembered how to bleed drum brakes- dudes, I seriously forgot how to when we did the front pads, lines and rotors, so we only bled the fronts and then I was like "how iz der air in da lines still?" and "ah man I think it be the master cylinder."
I took off the rear wheels and immediately remembered, shook my head, sometimes I'm a retard, and bled the rears. Driver's side was full of air, passenger side was full of dirty fluid. Bled the fronts again just to be sure. Hey, why do I have different size bleeders side to side? No matter, they all work. Even the rubber caps are good, can't say that for my IS300 and I've had that car since new. Fresh fluid in the entire system now, no air. My son helped me reinstall the new wheels.
I love my new impact wrench.
So the brakes bled, feel good, start the car up and the pedal is E36 M3 again. Then I get a code. WTF? Weird.
Me: "Byron, did you switch the plugs on the throttle body?"
Byron: "Nah man, they can't be switched they only fit one way and I plugged everything back up.
Phil, Byron and I then went to investigate. Did I damage the TPS when cleaning the throttle body? How? I didn't really touch it except opening it and putting it back together right away. Scratch my head a minute then noticed Byron had neglected to put the throttle cable back in. Lol! how did he move the car without a throttle cable?
My idle is around 800rpm now, where they all say it should be. Brakes feel kind of mushy and not great still. I checked the engine bay with the car running and heard a vacuum leak. This thing isn't sealing all the way. Will have to see if I can get it to seal when I have light or find one at the jy next weekend. With it pressed down I have better brake feel.
Confident there's no air in the line and that the brakes will work, took it around the block and it feels pretty good. Need an alignment. Needs to get some miles on it to see if the o2 sensor is dead like the PO claimed. Then smog and it can go into duty.
Self serve JY is having 50% off next weekend. Carpet, new seats, fogs, driver side visor, newer clear lens headlights and various odds and ends hopefully.
Here's a pic of the headunit installed. Didn't get pics of the speakers installed yet, they are on Byron's phone, but the whole thing sounds great. I love that it has Bluetooth functionality and can't wait to mess with the settings. Think the illumination will be lime/neon green to match my son's other touches. Might replace the rear deck speakers now too since I have some store credit at Byron has an employee discount.