This one has a back story.
Three years ago my brother and I bought an $800 Porsche. It was an exciting day. Our goal: Impress all the pretty women in town. Wait, just kidding... We wanted to build a rallycross car.

We drove it around the block a few times with huge stupid grins on our faces. Then we decided to fix the brakes and replace the rear main seal (it was leaking oil, a lot). I got some used replacement calipers from a guy on a 924 forum. We also ripped the old seats out because they were gross and the sliders weren't sliding at all.
Then the story stalled. Bro started college and I was busy with other things. The poor 924 sat in the garage at my parents' house. Amazingly they don't mind it. I think it helps that my mom thinks it's "cute." For three years we walked by it every day on our way out the door and then again on our way back in. 1,095 days (nope 1,096 this year was leap year) of thinking, "Gee, we should get the Porsche running."
So it sat and became a shelf. You can fit a lot of empty cardboard boxes on a 924. The long hood and attractive sloping hatch make for great storage.
It isn't completely dead but it was definitely a neglected project. Every spring and fall we roll it out so we can clean out the garage. That job always ends with us hooking up the jumper cables and firing up the mighty Audi 2.0 four cylinder. It starts every time. Although, last fall it shot pieces of the catalytic converter out the back and started to dribble gasoline from the filler hose area.
But great news! It's back!
We've set an ambitious goal for this year: The Porsche will go rallycrossing. (The less ambitious but more realistic goal is: The Porsche will drive around under it's own power for the first time in 3 years and wait to go rallycrossing next summer because BlueInGreen is getting married in July this summer)
This will be an unashamed "beater build." Think "Roadkill" but with SCCA safety standards in mind
We don't mind if it doesn't look pretty or leaks a bit of oil. We just want to get it done so we can bounce it around in the dirt for a few weekends and have some fun.
cough cough
That said, I applaud your efforts and I look forward to reading about the progress.
A buddy of mine is building a 944 into a Rallycross car, its getting a brand new (body in white, solid top, ex spare chassis for a long defunct Porsche sponsored racing team) chassis and an Audi I5 10V turbo. Needless to say it isn't a "budget" build, but it is hugely entertaining to watch.
I'm not sure if you're on Facebook, but here's a link to some posts:
Somewhere along the way we got some nice seats. Never mind that they are gray and the interior is brown.

Gotta bolt those in so we can sit and make vroom vroom noises.
Back on jackstands in "project car stance" for the first time in a couple years. That's exciting!

Imagining what it would look like with the bumpers tucked 
Gotta get the axles off so we can shift the trans back so we can get to that main seal.

Why does it seem like it's always the last bolt that ends up getting completely stripped?
Fortunately little brother has good creative problem solving skills. He was able to pry the reinforcement clip in such a way that the dumb bolt came loose. Win.

More to come tomorrow if I can get more pics uploaded...
You can get proper Euro bumpers for about $3-400 for the car.
On mine, I just shaved the rubber off of them and filled in the holes, it helped quite a bit.
Garage dust, the mark of a lonely neglected car.

Shelf car.

That's a lot of old fluids. Somebody needs to start making recycling runs.

With everything moved out of the we we could get to work for real. We decided the exhaust needed to come off for two reasons. It would be easier to get stuff to change the seal. We wanted to see what was up with the catalytic converter.
Sawzall, for when you don't want to mess with frozen exhaust bolts.


So, remember how I said last time we started the car it shot out bits of the cat? That's what's left.

Also, turns out the muffler probably wasn't doing much muffleing. We'll worry about that later.

I'm surprised you didn't strip all of those cv bolts out since they are a pretty specific driver size. There is a torx that is close that lots of people use but it's not quite right. I love these cars and I'm looking forward to following along.
chandlerGTi wrote:
I'm surprised you didn't strip all of those cv bolts out since they are a pretty specific driver size. There is a torx that is close that lots of people use but it's not quite right. I love these cars and I'm looking forward to following along.
Yeah, its a 10mm triple square head and you have to make sure the head is cleaned out and the bit is tapped into the head slightly to ensure you can apply enough torque.
I replaced all of my bolts with allen head replacements. If you need a few spare bolts, I'm sure I still have them around, I can drop them in the mail to anyone who is in need.
Yup, same as rabbit cv and diesel head bolts
chandlerGTi wrote:
I'm surprised you didn't strip all of those cv bolts out since they are a pretty specific driver size. There is a torx that is close that lots of people use but it's not quite right. I love these cars and I'm looking forward to following along.
We did have the special driver. I was still surprised we managed get all but one of those bolts without stripping them.
Ha, I have a bucket of those bolts from all the rabbits and 924s I've parted out.