Happy 5/23/23, as a died in the wool Nissan nerd, this terribly translates into Go Ni-San Ni-San!
Update is that there was a RallyCross last weekend. I sort of washed the car, bled the brakes to try and 'fix' the front lockup issues, and packed up the car for the event.
The night before the event, there was an email and facepace post buried in the infinite scroll threatening waist high weeds/grass throughout the course and paddock. So I threw the old trusty Stihl trimmer in the back with my rallyX pack: (impressed the hatch swallowed it up)

When arriving on site, it was as promised. We hacked our way into grid spots, and largely just grouped around the 'road' that made up the course:

I handed off the trimmer to someone headed out to work the course, and got ready to drive!
So yeah... racing. Today was moments of brilliance drowned out with an overabundance of dumbassery.
First run: Car feels great, the course is smaller, but not necessarily tighter, just in the meat of 2nd gear for me. I'm able to rotate the car, and the recent rain has kept the dust down. Coming out of the sweeper, it grips up great, and flies toward the next corner down the longest straight. Brakes.... no really, BRAKES, COME ON BRAKES!!! Nope. Just locked up fronts, I went sailing off the birm of the corner straight on, no hint of turn in. I stayed on the brakes, but since the waist high grass was also wet, it felt like it accelerated off the track. Both at Summit and Panthera, the risk while going off track is real. There's plenty of hidden ruts, holes, cliffs, etc. hidden just off line. So I went both feet in and prepared for the worst. After about 5 car lengths I feel a massive dip, the suspension bottoms out, skid plate smacks... something, I see some water splash, and notice cat-tails in with the normal field weeds, and freak out that I've beached it in a pond! I grabbed reverse, floored it before I got stuck, and quickly pulled backwards, and flipped it around to find the course again.
As all runs count in a RallyCross, the day was pretty much blown at this point. I hauled ass around the last couple corners to keep things from being red-flagged, and was pretty bummed that the competitive part of the day was blown.
Quick inspection in the grid, and it seems like all the wheels are attached and pointed roughly forward, and the oil pan is still there. So I pull up for my second run, and throw down a very competitive time, with some very conservative braking into the corner I screwed up the last time. Next run, I get about a 1/4 of the way around the course, and I see a corner worker just standing there in the course, no urgency that there's an ill-handling Nissan at full chat coming right at him. Again, I ask all of the brakes, and I'm instantly rewarded by flinging off the track in understeer again. But again, everyone survived the encounter. The next run, car feels great, and I put down a top 5 time (literally 1% off the leader) of the morning in a very competitive class of 15 cars, followed by a couple mediocre runs to finish out the morning.
Working the course, and during the lunch break I was thinking back to the morning runs and looking at the times for the first time during the day, and apparently convinced myself the car was evil and untrustworthy. So for the afternoon runs, my driving was terrible, and way off the pace. I still managed to claw my way up from DFL, and there were moments where it all worked really really well, but overall not terribly pleased with myself.
For the car: it hooked up great, it turned in sharply, had plenty of go, but anytime I asked for decel, it would spook me, and lock up the fronts. During the afternoon sessions, I could at least anticipate and modulate the pedal to get some turn in, but I couldn't trust throwing it at fast corners, and was giving up quite a bit of speed on the tighter corners. I noticed throughout the day, that the suspension was super noisy. I've got a clunk on the LF, and both rear springs are rubbing on the coilover sleeves. I also think the rears are binding, I'd chuck it into a corner, the back would step out and I'd commit to a line, accelerate to put weight on the back, and it'd hook up, but then post corner, it'd STEP OUT, but not predictably. So I'd get some crazy fishtailing out of corners in the afternoon that I wasn't really expecting. I'm not sure if it's suspension binding up when it loads or releases, or if the diff was getting too hot and the VLSD was giving up, not sure, but it needs some investigation, as it was causing some cone issues, and I wasn't able to keep it in the lines of grip. They added a tight chicane to a corner, and I was fighting the fish tailing so much, I didn't even notice!
The day was really summed up by these pictures, interesting patterns of the wheat stalks slapped onto the hood as I launched the car (literally) over the finish line almost killing the timing box:

And huge thanks to Josh, his Raider was set up in overlanding mode as Casa de Corner 7 and shot some great pictures with elevation of the car doing it's worst: