The crappy miata had some super good tires on it.....
Got that all fixed with some freebies I have been settin on.
Nothing to exciting this weekend. I am working on prepping the Iris car for Chrysler Carlisle this weekend, and also decided to take a second car.... The white RT. So getting it ready also. Fingers crossed this goes well. Im a touch nervous.
Been running around town in the black miata some. Then had a random dead battery from setting over night.... Odd, but charger saved the day and the battery.
Both cars made it the 870 mile round trip almost flawlessly, got some super cool parts along the way.
Iris car got a first place trophy, and white trash got a new biggest fan.
Miata got the fresh snow tires, fluids and a steering wheel and boss i had in the basement.
Before: Friend of mine wanted to buy the wheel, so sold sold sold.
After: wheel and boss I pulled from the junkyard
Professor_Brap said:Both cars made it the 870 mile round trip almost flawlessly, got some super cool parts along the way.
Iris car got a first place trophy, and white trash got a new biggest fan.
Congrats on the trophies.
sorry for the lack of updates, will be posting a few catch up and current post. The new job has been a learning curve.
Ok, catch up time.....
Started a new job, and with in a month, every car I own has had a either frustrating issues/break down. Lets start with the small dumb stuff/no photos to go with.
Princess_Braps blue Focus: The new (less than a year old) AC compressor basically exploded, so we warranty out that one, clean the lines, a new orfice tube and it works great, on the way back from old mans the soft line for the passenger side rear wheel starts to leak.... Wonder full, and not one auto part store has it in stock. Down for a day.
White Focus wagon: Drove it to Sams Club and went to leave and had a flat.... Car had NEW Goodyears on it.... Jack it up and put the spare on, I was checking out the flat tire and couldnt find a damn thing.... berkeley..... Got it home and dipped it in the water tank and the valve stem was leaking where the brass meets the rubber.....
Red Shadow: New parking brake cable end broke off.
Omni: Fuel pump took a E36 M3.... Kinda expected it. Not to worried.
Iris Neon: Got a bad exhaust leak around the manifold on the way to Carlile. Got it home and found the culprit.
Tabbie: exploded a axle out of no where.
White Trash: The throttle body shaft snapped when I was leaving to go to work, lost all throttle... I did a "while im in there"
MPX 60mm throttle body, port matched to the intake mani.
The free Miata got traded for a new to me vehicle after the sub frame broke on it. Where the driver side lower control arm mounds was built from bondo and broke. I posted it up for trade as it and got this ol turd.....
2002 PTGT 5 speed 105k on the clock..... in BROWN. SUPRISE TO ME woke up this morning to 4 flat tires.
In reply to Professor_Brap :
I was thinking about buying that a few months ago. Not really surprised it was still available.
In reply to EvanB :
It is a turd and a half, i got about everything I need to fix it, if I didnt it wouldnt be here.
list so far on the PT:
Tires (ordered)
shifter bushings
oil leak
hatch struts
front bumper
check out the WOT BOX situtation
front brakes (came with car)
Been driving white trash a while and monica drives it a ton. Big throttle body and been working on tuning it, we are getting it better.
Fresh battery cable ends.
Had to drill 3 studs do to insanely rounded lug nuts..... All this to install #specwestlake tires. Also found its in dire need of control arms.
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