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chandlerGTi Dork
4/28/13 4:00 p.m.

I love your updates!

crankwalk GRM+ Memberand Reader
4/28/13 5:18 p.m.

This thing is turning out SO nice. My gf doesn't care for cars in general but she LOVES El Camino's and I kind of want to show her this thread so she will let me copy you!

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
4/28/13 8:14 p.m.

Thanks guys. Of all the forums I'm on, this is the only one that appreciztes, approves, and enables my oddities. I really, really appreciate the feedback. Y'all got no idea. And if your wife/girlfriend approves, keep her. Do whatever makes her happy, and post a bujild thread. Effort/progress will slow for a little bit. Got customer stuff coming in tomorrow. But next up is fuel tank repair, carb rebuild, tune up, side view mirrors, and brake bias adjuster install.

pres589 SuperDork
4/28/13 11:35 p.m.

You sure that stance needs work? Looks pretty spot-on from over here. You've got the eye and you're local so do what you think is best but I bet there's other good things to tackle first. Over here, the Camino looks pretty awesome. Nice work.

crankwalk GRM+ Memberand Reader
4/29/13 8:03 a.m.
pres589 wrote: You sure that stance needs work? Looks pretty spot-on from over here. You've got the eye and you're local so do what you think is best but I bet there's other good things to tackle first. Over here, the Camino looks pretty awesome. Nice work.


Harvey GRM+ Memberand New Reader
4/29/13 1:33 p.m.

I like it.

tuna55 PowerDork
4/29/13 1:35 p.m.

El camino updates:

I cleaned and installed these 46 parts and I drove it around afterwards

Tunatruck updates:

I spent two hours welding in this small patch, here is a picture of it!

Keep it up.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
4/29/13 5:28 p.m.

But your updates are awsomer, tuna. You've got a lot more hurdles to overcome to make progress. You are also. Doing bodywork, and making it look easy/good. That's something I am envious of. And ill be in those same shoes of spend 2hours and only have a little welding to show soon enough. Consider youself blessed that there are repop parts for yous. I get the joy of sheetmetal fab when I start on the bodywork. From what I'm finding, you can just about buy a 66 up chevelle body from a catalog. Not elky. 64-65 chevelle stuff is pretty thin on the ground for resto, and elky is almost non-existant. To keeep costs reasonable, ill have to adapt chevelle stuff to the elky, and stuff of various years. Oh well. And on a side note, the rubber part of the fill tube has rotted out, causing my fuel leak. Onto the exhaust. Not cool. At least it will be a cheap/easy fix.

My dad always had a saying when I drug home new cars: safe, reliable, then cool. In that order.

I'm still working on safe at this point, though I have jumped around a bit to reliable/cool.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
5/26/13 10:36 a.m.

so, budget first:

previous total: 5252.36

subtract 19 for fan controller

subtract 20 for old v-belt setup

subtract 20 for 283 balancer


harmonic balancer: 49.99 advance auto, 73 350

timing tab: 10.99 oreilleys

mechanical clutch fan for serpentine: 18.52 pull-a-part

replacement crank pulley: free (pull-a-part warranty)

fuel fill hose: 17 at o'reilleys

tie rod ends: 68.52 o'reilleys

carpet: free

mirrors: 20 at AutoZone

tailgate panel: 20 city salvage

brake bias adjuster: 38.99 eBay

new total: 5437.37

alright, so when we last left off, the fuel tank was leaking onto the exhaust, and it needed side mirrors. I had planned on completing that the next day. well......

life happens. here it is a month later, but I have an update.

first, the fuel tank and mirrors. this is the rubber splice in the filler tube. it was the original one. looks serviceable in a picture, but in reality is spongy, dry rotted, and junk. I bought the good gates fill tube stuff at oreilleys for 17 a foot (one foot minimum) and installed it. the factory hose clamps will not fit the new rubber, but worm drive radiator clamps do just fine.


I did not get a picture of the replacement, as I did it in the parking lot of my tire guys place when I was getting some wheels taken care of. if you'd like to see a pic, let me know.

I also tried the cheap universal mirrors that all the major parts houses sell. they come in a blue box straight from china. wanted to try these, as they make a set or mirrors that will look pretty close to rally mirrors for my duster. this style fits the truck good. ok on build quality, but its all plastic. nice chrome plating and optic quality on the mirror as well. when I first put them on, they would change orientation if the wind blew. was not happy. went to show the parts guy at AutoZone, when he showed me an adjustment screw on the back of the head for tightening the mirror ball to lock in adjustment. I felt pretty stupid. 5 minutes later, they were fixed and haven't moved since. they also fit the look of the truck better than the round one that was on it.


I also bought an adjustable prop valve, due to rear brake lockup being an issue. it was cheapest from classic tube via eBay. same one everyone else sells. have not installed it yet.


my truck also started to throw belts for no apparent reason. I figured out that the crank pulley I had put on was bent. so I swapped it under warranty while at pull-a-part to grab a mechanical fan. I had nothing but trouble out of the electrics on this truck, so I scrapped them, returned the fan controller to advance (number 3 of the same one that kept dying) and pulled a fan from a 4.3 blazer. while I was doing the fan/pulley, I noticed that my harmonic balancer was very, very strange compared to every other small block Chevy. not just with the alignment nubs, but the fact that it had no rubber in it that I could find. after some research, it turns out I have an early 283 balancer from a vette. which is also why the motor sounded like it was coming apart above 3k rpm. sold the old balancer to my dad for his 283 build for his 60 vette. bought a correct balancer, and life is good again. out it all back together, and the truck no longer throws belts, feels smoother from rpm, and stays at a constant 205 degrees no matter what. when doing the balancer swap, I had to change timing tabs due to the bigger balancer. picked up a mr gasket from oreilleys.


while over at city salvage getting some parts for a customer car, I noticed a 66-67 elky down in the woods. no frame, no front clip, trees, etc. asked the yard owner about it, and he said he's parting it. about the only part I could use was the tailgate panel. he only charged me 20 bucks. its pretty straight, solid, and better than what I had, which was nothing.


so that brings us up to this week. I've been driving it everywhere. work, other job, errands, etc. just me in it, just within a 40 mile radius.

Friday, as I was leaving the neighborhood, the truck made a sudden, unintended course correction into the ditch. it has no seatbelts. luckily, I was only doing ~15-20mph, and we've had a ton of rain so the ground was soft. no body damage to the truck, nothing other than bruised and sore to me. figured out that the tie rod end had completely separated. I had felt some notchiness in the steering this week, and had planned on greasing and doing a nut and bolt check Friday night after work while it was up on a lift. well, that didn’t happen. I'm just grateful it happened a block from home in the neighborhood, instead of Thursday when I was doing 65 mph on rural highways. god blessed me on this one.

so here's where we were at Saturday morning after I got it into the work bay.





let this be a lesson: CHECK YOUR CHASSIS PARTS.

the replacements:


after I put in the new tie rod ends, I looked at the pile n my corner. one of my customers had me do a refresh on his 69 olds 442 convertible. he installed new carpets in the process. I just hadn't thrown them away yet. so....





it is far from good. the front carpets came sort of close to fitting, the rear not so much. but a lot better than what was in there. made a much more civilized truck out of it. these will eventually be thrown away when new is purchased.

I also tried using a spare accelerator pedal bolted to the "spoon" accelerator pedal coming off my firewall. didn’t work.

lastly, I just had to do this. pic of my two toys. they remind me of beauty and the beast. only in this case I'm not sure which is which, the duster is faster and handles/stops better, and is a lot nicer. the elky is simple, easy, and makes no bones about its purpose.


anyway, thanks for reading!!!

mazdeuce Dork
5/26/13 11:01 a.m.

You've convinced me to replace the ball joints and tie rod ends on my 68 wagon. Like you, they check out fine, but now I'm wondering if it's just rust binding them up instead of actual metal. They're cheap, and I should replace them. Keep rolling on this project, I really like it.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
5/27/13 5:42 p.m.

Love the elky!!!

tuna55 PowerDork
5/27/13 8:43 p.m.

Stay safe, good deal on how those ball joints failed at the right time

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
6/28/13 4:13 p.m.

I have updates, but no time to make them....

major one is im taking this autocrossing tomorrow with ccrscca at the z-max dragstrip.

should be a riot.

ill do a full update tomorrow evening.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/2/13 8:02 p.m.

so, budget first:

previous total: 5437.37

add 24 for a seatbelt end and seatbelt mounting hardware

41 for rebuilt carb

88.24 for spark plugs, cap and rotor, carb base gasket, vacuum line, air filter, and nuts.

new total for that round (I'm not caught up with where I'm at yet) 5590.61

I've been driving this thing a good bit, as a truck. needed it to do truck things.

like get lumber:


and pick up an engine for my daily



on the way back with the engine, I discovered a few things. A: the tires rubbed the fender lips under that much weight. fixed that in a tire shop parking lot in Monroe with a cutoff wheel and air tool that I rented for a couple of bucks. just another 1/4 inch was all I needed. and the fender lips are still over an inch wide.

B: it stopped idling, and started running funny.

I figured it had trash in the carb. so after dropping the engine off at the machine shop for a rebuild, I got to looking at my carb. pulled it off, and started tearing it down for a good cleaning and a kit. this is what I found upon removing the front float bowl:


little heard to see, but the metal is actually crumbling. like its being eaten by something. it was coming off in large chunks. this necessitated plan b for carb, which I didn’t want to do. grabbed the Holley spread bore double pumper off the shelf, ordered a carb kit, and went through it.

it was a royal PITA from start to finish. especially having to make short studs to clear the float bowls, and then trying to get nuts started with zero clearance between the carb, the stud, and the nut. just aggravating as all get out. also had to change all my vacuum line routings and points of pickups, etc.

in the middle of the carb swap )actually at the parts store getting vacuum line and a base gasket) we got hit by a tornado. it was pretty ugly around here. took me an hour to get across town to check on my wife, who thankfully was not home yet. she and my daughter were at the church setting up for VBS and running late. thank god.





the hood was up when the storm hit. crushed my air cleaner and filter, lost all my hardware, bent up the leading edge hood trip, buckled the roof, dented the drivers side quarter and hood, dented the tailgate, and scuffed up some of the chrome pretty good. on the house, it ripped the porch free entirely, cracked a truss, punched through the roof sheeting, trashed some shingles, trashed some siding, trashed some gutters, broke a window and a door, ripped up the retaining wall, created 5 large trees necessitating removal, and yanked part of the driveway up with a root ball. we did not get power back for 4 days. it was a bit rough. I actually could not do anything about the house/truck without a crane, so I went out and ran chainsaw cutting people out of their homes, clearing streets, etc. for most of that time.

pics of elky damage (the best I could do under the circumstances)




I have one of the tailgate somewhere.....

so after I got the truck cut out and saw how bad it wasn’t, I finished the carb swap.


and then got to work clearing out the property. I used this opportunity to deliver free firewood to some people in need that heat with wood all winter. I will say that the elky needs some sort of load bags in the rear. cant haul too much wood at once without bottoming out.



I've also finally installed seat belts for safety. used the factory locations for the floor mounts with the OBS Chevy seat belt assemblies, got some mounting plates for the shoulders from wescott.


marked the b-pillar where the plate would fit under this hole, drilled two 3/16 holes for pop rivets, and one big one for the bolt with a unibit. dropped the plate through the hole, fished it into position with a coat hanger, and pop riveted it in place. I have lost the pictures of these steps somehow.


that’s all I have the time and energy for tonight. hopefully in the next few days ill get the rest of it caught up. lets see, autocross, auto trans swap, more resto work, major concussion still to come.

so stay tuned.....

tuna55 PowerDork
7/2/13 8:21 p.m.

Holy crap man, that's terrible. Insurance? I am so sorry, all that work and some wind had to blow.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/2/13 8:33 p.m.

insurance ill be helping a little with everything. not coming out ahead by any stretch, but not too far behind breaking even, either.

and you know, its about attitude. yup, stuff got trashed. my family was safe. everything else is fixable.

this town got wrecked, though.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/3/13 7:48 p.m.

so, budget first:

previous total: 5590.61

purchased lock cylinders and an ignition switch bezel while at NPD: 61.00

sold off three speed trans: -200

was given brand new 5.25 speakers for the front: free!

700r4 trans: 350 with a 60 day warranty

throttle lever and trans cooler: 96.93

gasket kit, freeze plugs, thermostat housing, tranny filter and dipstick grommet: 82.46

plug wires: free!

aluminum champion radiator: 165

por15 Chevy orange paint: 21.36 from AJ tucker supply

new total:6167.36

I forgot to mention that while picking up the engine for the daily, I sold my 3 speed tranny to him for an rx7 build he's doing. he gave me 200 bucks and told me to call him when I get it yanked out. I also didn’t take pictures of the finished seatbelts till now. fit great, feel great, don’t look half bad.



after doing truck stuff and kicking the roof back into shape from the tornado, I needed a fun night. locust was having a cruise night, so I ran the truck through the car wash and went. funny thing was, it got more attention that any time I've ever taken the duster. guys seem to love this thing for some reason in all its spray-painted glory. got attention all night long, which was just funny to me.

when brother Dustin and I went to leave, my quarter no longer wanted to work. apparently the ignition lock cylinder managed to free itself up and actually start working. wouldn’t have ben a problem, except that I didn’t get ANY keys with this truck. neither did Kenny, the guy I bought it from. he gave me the quarter to start it with, though. so I hotwired it in the cruise night parking lot, and drove it home. well, drove all over locust/midland, then home.

I figured I probably ought to fix it instead of constantly hotwiring my own vehicle. good for anti-theft, bad for getting to work. considered going old fashioned with a toggle switch and push button, but would much prefer my truck to still be there when I come back out to the parking lot. I could get keys for the doors, but they'd probably just break the glass. or id leave the windows down cause it was hot. regardless, the decision was made for keys.

grabbed a whole set from NPD: ignition and doors. also discovered it was supposed to have a bezel to retain the switch to the dash. my truck didn’t have one, which would explain why the switch was so loose and floppy. got one of those too while I was there.

took me and 2 other guys 45 minutes to extract the FUBAR lock from the switch, as none of the parts houses could seem to find a switch that matched mine. I would have gone back to NPD, but after the customer service I didn’t receive there, id prefer not too unless there's no other choice.

we finally got it out, and messed up some of the casting in the process. spent a while with a file, brake clean, grease, etc. getting it all back into shape. now, it operates smoothly, has an accessory position (didn’t know I was supposed to have one. didn’t have one before), and actually locks. kind of cool!

here's a pic for those that cant remember what the switch looks like:


after the last couple of weeks, I needed a day off. I typically work 7 days a week between my two jobs, do everything I can for my family, and hardly ever do anything for myself. so I took this past friday night and Saturday as a me time. Friday night I gave the old truck a once over, as well as finished installing the buckle end of the seatbelts. while doing so, I had my dads lift halfway up, as I was working both sides of the floor pan at once. coming out from under the truck, I stood up. right into the corner of the open passengers side door. knocked myself unconscious for an unknown length of time (long enough for the blood to dry on the floor). end of the story is that the doctor yelled at me for waiting till Monday afternoon to see him, I shouldn’t have gone auto crossing as it could have ruptured something in my brain, etc. I have a major concussion. not my first (last one not from an automobile accident was high school football) probably wont be my last, either. I will say that my head still hurts and I'm still having nauseous/dizzy spells. don’t remember that lasting this long.....

Saturday morning, despite my best effort to sabotage myself and my wifes better judgment, I left the house at about 6:00 AM to go up to the CCRSCCA auto-x at z-max dragway. met one of my vette customers, tom, there. he is an HPDE/TT guy, never been auto crossing before but wanted to try it. got him and I through tech, walked the course, eyeballed the other cars, etc. chitchat and fun was had by all.

he was in the first run group, I was in the last. toms best time of the day was a 93.3 I will say he, on track, is a much better driver than me. probably be an instructor for HPDE by this time next year. I will also say that I built his vette right. big sway bars, bilsteins, wilwood pads, dynatech headers, ecm tune, aggressive alignment, etc. well sorted, fast car. 02 z06. I love that car. would only be better if it was black....

toms also the same guy I got my wheels from. great guy.

my best run of the day, out of only 2 timed (got kind of screwed due to time limitations and technical difficulties, but oh well) was 89.6. the elky was a flat RIOT to drive out there. just drove it flat out. no body roll to speak of, great steering response, great transition characteristics, easy to throttle steer and trail brake. ran the whole course in second, end even smoked the tires dumping the clutch off the line.










my only complaints: the Holley spread bore has a hesitation/breakup when getting into the throttle from full closed, the Avon's that I was given have NO grip, I overheated the power steering fluid and puked it, and she started to run hot. really hot. also, the battery was not taking a charge. so I had to push start it for the last run. and not shut it down until I got home.

after the event, we used the elky and a couple of guys to pick up all the equipment from the course. that was cool and fun.

I have to say that auto crossing the elky was way more fun than the duster, or anything else I have run since the 88 corvette z51. absolute blast.

the suspension is officially done as far as I'm concerned. I know it has more in it with some added parts and such, but right now the driver is holding it back.

on the way home, I decided it was time to get the three speed out, the freeze plugs and radiator fixed, and swap to an automatic like I told my wife I would. I know, real men drive stick. I do, every day. my duster is a stick too. truck was agreed to be an auto. that being said, I needed to get one. city salvage, a local wrecking yard, came through with one for me. included wiring, torque converter, yoke, tv cable, etc. they actually drove the car up to where they yanked it. also gave me a 60 day warranty from date of install.


spent a while cleaning it up, and came out with this:


and then started the expensive part. getting the parts to put it in. needed a cooler, filter, gasket, dipstick seal, and tv cable stuff. since I was also going to do the freeze plugs at the same time, I went ahead and got those, a gasket kit, a non cracked thermostat housing, the cheapest 2 core aluminum radiator I could find, etc. time to do it right.







this sticker was on the side of the lifetime warranty radiator. thought it was the warranty at first, till I read it. pretty cool if you ask me.


and now I've got everything all loaded up to drop off at dads hop tomorrow on my way to the in laws. hoping to get the front clip off tomorrow night, and the motor/trans out Friday. start getting it all done with a quickness.



tuna55 PowerDork
7/3/13 9:40 p.m.

Wow man, ups, downs, ups, downs. All in the same update. Nice sticker! Sucky head injury! Fun looking autocross!

You make me look incredi-slow.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/4/13 7:03 p.m.

hey, now. you make me look like a slacker of a dad.

we all make progress at the rate we can make it. youre doing custom fab and body work, something id just pay the man to do, normally. but youre inspiring me to try it again, for the first time since the 90's.

and yep. life is full of ups and downs. I just approach it with an "its all good" attitude as often as I can. I even have a sign that says that above my mantle in the living room.


crankwalk GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/5/13 6:02 a.m.

Yeah talk about ups and downs but damn. A tree fell on the thing and you cut it up and put it in the back then Autocross. Awesome

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/5/13 6:12 a.m.

after I get it put back together, I have more wood to deliver. theres actually at least 5 trees down. some around the back of the house, too.

and then ill be using it to pull gravel and a ditch which home. unless I can get that stuff delivered cheap enough.

Dusterbd13 UberDork
7/5/13 7:55 p.m.

I have opened pamdoras box.

this is getting ugly, quick.

tuna55 PowerDork
7/5/13 9:40 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote: I have opened pamdoras box. this is getting ugly, quick.

Can you elaborate? Need any help?

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/6/13 3:05 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
Dusterbd13 wrote: I have opened pamdoras box. this is getting ugly, quick.
Can you elaborate? Need any help?

Do you have any idea of how much your offer helped? You are, quite possibly, the coolest guy I know, and I don't even know your real name. Just for the offer I owe you a beer.

Ill elaborate tonight. Its ugly, but I'm coming out the far side better than anticipated.

Dusterbd13 HalfDork
7/6/13 3:17 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
Dusterbd13 wrote: I have opened pamdoras box. this is getting ugly, quick.
Can you elaborate? Need any help?

Do you have any idea of how much your offer helped? You are, quite possibly, the coolest guy I know, and I don't even know your real name. Just for the offer I owe you a beer.

Ill elaborate tonight. Its ugly, but I'm coming out the far side better than anticipated.

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