Waldo New Reader
4/13/15 1:16 p.m.

Four or five years ago on Craigslist there was an ad for a package deal that included a 77 or 78 Champagne edition bus, a 68 bus, and a 66 bus. A local VW mechanic/friend of mine bought all three of them while most of us local VW people were at a show in another state. Shortly there after another friend bought the 66 with big hopes to replace his bay window high top camper, then he had another child and lost his job. He had already bought all the brake parts, built a motor for it, pretty much everything was there to put it back on the road, but he lacked the mechanical skills. I twasn't advertised anywhere even so A few people tried to buy it with no luck. Finally i stepped in and made an offer which I thought was to cheap for a titled bus with nearly everything parts wise to get it going and the rust wasn't that bad. He accepted my offer and I was the proud owner of a second 1966 VW Bus. For some reason I bought it thinking that it would make a great back up to my Daily driver bus.

When I went to pick up the bus he couldn't find the title and said he will find it and get back to me, we had been friends for a few years so I thought no big deal. I knew the bus had a title when it was bought off of Craigslist and I know it had the title when he bought it. A few weeks go by, still no title. I kept bugging him to find the title or help me get a title and he flat out refused to help me get a title for it since he had lost in his two years of ownership. After threatening legal action he filed for a title 42 and I got a title.

About this time I realized I already have a stock height bus, I need a lowered one now. In perfect timing of making this decision a facebook friend asked for advise to flip his spindles back to stock height. I spoke and offered to trade for my stock non-flipped spindles, he said as long as I help swap them out he would. Right before this I had already pulled the front beam out to narrow it four inches, weld in adjusters and flip the spindles. Another friend a couple weeks later had the transmission go out in his daily driver, so I offered the unknown trans out of this bus for a swing axle center section out of a Ghia plus some cash. Everything was falling in to place as far as parts, I found a Four inch narrowed beam with adjusters already welded in a friends scrap pile because it was also cut and turned.

But,I still had a bad taste in my mouth from the title ordeal.

Then I started driving a Honda CR-V occasionally and realized that two buses was actually a very bad idea. I decided to put some feelers out to see if anyone I knew would be interested in the bus, the second call I made was to someone I know in Kansas he said he would be down that weekend to look at it. He left a deposit and I said I will get it done as quickly as possible, then I got a promotion at work leaving me no time and then I broke my foot. It has been a year now and need this thing out of my way so I can justify buying something else. Work starts this coming weekend.

Here are the only two pictures it seems that I have of it.

Petrolburner HalfDork
4/13/15 1:35 p.m.

These deals always leave me perplexed. Who has the more questionable judgement, the person buying an incomplete project from someone promising to quickly complete it even though its been around a while, or the person who promises to quickly complete the project that has been simmering on the back burner for awhile. A friend of mine just did the same thing with a Honda XR650L that received a complete frame up restoration despite not being that old.

Can't wait to see the pics of the suspension pieces though, your descriptions had me imagining what a swing axle center section out of a Ghia looks like.

Waldo New Reader
4/13/15 1:48 p.m.

Ghia center section is the same as a Beetle. I had no intention selling it as an incomplete project, I was simply putting out feelers for when it was done. Instead someone showed up with cash in hand all I took was a deposit despite the fact he had enough to pay me fully right then.

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