I have had this Saab since May and haven't got much accomplished. Maybe if I start to document the build I will have some motivation to finish it.
I purchased it from Adrian Thompson, here is the previous build thread. https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/build-projects-and-project-cars/project-loki-1988-classic-saab-turbo/57193/page1/
It needed a head gasket when I got it so I started tearing it down when I got home. After sending the head to the machine shop work slowed down as I was distracted by other things. Currently the head is on and I rolled in a new timing chain. This weekend I need to set the timing and start getting it back together.

I love those old Saabs, what're your plans for it?
NoPermitNeeded wrote:
what're your plans for it?
At this point I am just hoping to make it a reliable semi-daily driver.
I got the timing marks all lined up and locked the cams and flywheel. Put on the tensioner and verified everything was still lined up. Turned it over a couple times and now it's off again, flywheel mark is a few degrees behind when the cams are lined up.
Do I just need to fool with it more and keep moving the cam sprockets to line it up? I've never had this issue with the belts I've done but this is the first timing chain I have tackled.
Guess I'll mess with it more later.
Must resist buying Ronal Turbos...

Hmm, I've done a couple 9000 timing chains over the years, and I think this happened to me once where the crank skipped a tooth somehow while rolling it in.
Stupid question though - you're thinking Swedish Chef backwards and turning it the right way, right? I'm not sure if it would tension the chain 'backwards' enough to make it look like the timing was off a bit, but it just occurred to me as 'maybe possible' if it's only a bit off, not a full tooth off.
And, yes, those Ronals look really, really good!
Yep it's turning the correct way (counter clockwise). I'll retime the cams tomorrow and see what happens.
After some more engine rotating and pondering the timing marks aren't as far off as I thought. Definitely less than a tooth. I'm just gonna go with it.
Intake and valve cover are back on now.
EvanB wrote:
Yep it's turning the correct way (counter clockwise). I'll retime the cams tomorrow and see what happens.
I figured you'd have thought of that, but sometimes these things happen (usually to me) . Glad it's good to go! Also, there's this option
from SaabRally:

You've motivated me to make steps towards working on my C900!
In reply to XLR99:
And those sprockets only cost half what I paid for the car! 
My garage. Where cars I buy on GRM become shelves.

They are fine looking shelves though! 
Maybe you could help me with a head gasket some day- a preventive measure.
In reply to paranoid_android74:
With the rate this is going I don't know if you would want me to help you. 
Eh, I've seen worse. On that very car, actually. 
Man, that paint looks like it actually has some potential. I bet with some elbow work and a claybar and polish you could make it look super nice to boot.
I'm so glad this has reappeared. I'm glad it's gone to a good home with the time to love it up. Paint isn't too bad, worst spot is the drivers door. Some serious time in the detail shop will melt it perfectly good DD status 10 foot paint.
So this project hasn't moved very fast...
A month ago I got it running and drove around the block. I figured it would be easier to move to my new house if I didn't have to tow it. Since then it has sat in the driveway while I am busy with other things and haven't had a chance to register it.
This picture looks just like what I started with but I promise it runs now.

Once I move over the next week or two I plan to get the interior finished up and get it on the road.
You need to get a set of Ronal Turbos.
In reply to docwyte:
I'd vote for Saab Inca's. 
In reply to petegossett:
They won't fit. But if I end up getting the 85 turbo sedan my friend wants to unload on me they would fit that. 
In reply to EvanB:
I'm pretty sure I still have a pair if you need them b
petegossett wrote:
In reply to EvanB:
I'm pretty sure I still have a pair if you need them b
I will definitely let you know if I get a car that fits them. I love the Incas.
Glad to see it's just about done! The paint on that hood looks great from 15ft.
It's a shame they didn't make the Incas in 4 x 108!
(No, I've accomplished nothing on mine. I thought I had a donor car lined up, but they decided to scrap it rather than waiting another day for me to come get it
. )