In reply to G_Body_Man:
Btw you can do just the cams and intake with npi heads and get most of the performance without as much work. I think its like 10 or 15hp less. When you do the intake i suggest a pi one from ford racing (basically same price) and DONT GET DORMAN. Its npi plenum with pi flanges. Learned that the hard way when i replaced the one on moms 2000 gt and it lost 10hp. Doh.
In reply to chiodos:
Yeah, I've heard bad things about the Dorman units. I could do a cam and intake swap, but I might as well just go with the full head assembly, preferably a JY unit. The intake and all gaskets will be new, though.
They arent bad per say but if your looking for the hp increase of a pi intake, the dorman "pi" unit wont give it to you. Theres side by side photos online to give you an idea whats why and how you get more power. screw it just toss a whole 4v in from a mk8
2/3 brake lights are fixed. The new switch went in without a hitch, now to find a new blinker module (Ford and your integrated systems...)
Switched over to my summer white walls and painted my inner grille slats back to black today. Now to do a two-stage paint correction.
Page 2 has no pictures. I know you have a way with words, but some of us are more visual. This needs to be corrected. 

Whitewalls and black grille slats. She's starting to look more and more factory. I polished and waxed the front clip last night but then got tired, I'll go back and do the rest of the car today.

Finally finished polishing. I think I just took off 12 years of aging with all the cleaning and trim restoring I've done.

In reply to G_Body_Man:
Damn, that's why I love bringing the paint back out on older cars, that thing looks fantastic, what's the plan for the wheels? They look like they could use a good scrub. I also recommend black magic tire cleaner especially with the white walls. 
In reply to thedanimal:
Yes, I'm looking into where you can get Bleche-Wite in BC. I'll check Lordco today. As for the wheels, I'm picking up a Mothers Powerball Mini sometime soon, because constantly polishing all those spokes by hand is an absolute chore.
You're really going to want to try your hand wet sanding your headlights to get them to clear up. I'd start with a 1500, then 2000, then polish with Meguiare's 205 (or 105 if 205 doesn't cut enough,) and then clear coat.
Dorman lists new headlights for that thing for about $50.00 per corner. Rockauto shows the cheapo TYC brand at $26.00 each.
Why waste your time polishing a lens that will look like crap again in six months.
Yeah, I'll probably just buy all new front end lighting hardware, because once you get new headlights, then the corners start looking dingy, and there are a few small cracks around the lower edges, so it really makes sense to replace everything.
In reply to Esoteric Nixon:
It depends on how much money I feel like spending. I'll probably try wetsanding and clearcoating first.
Ajax or Comet sink cleanser along with a small scrub brush will work to clean the tires as well, it's what we used before the modern tire cleaner products came along.
I used to use Brillo pads, but that Black Magic (nee Westley's) bleche-wite is some amazing stuff.
In reply to Esoteric Nixon:
Can confirm, Brillo pads work really well.
You said this was too nice to be a drift car, I didn't believe you at first. Looking at the more recent pictures, yes, you made a 90s Crown Vic too nice to drift.
When I was 16 years old my dad taught me how to clean the white walls on his car - brillo pad + comet and scrub away. It was important to him that these were clean and white. Happy Father's day Dad!
I used household Greenworks degreaser (mainly as a lubricant) and an SOS pad on the whitewalls, and what a difference! Pics coming once I polish the chrome.
Time for some mustang takeoffs, 15" faux wire hubcaps look good on...nothing really.
In reply to chiodos:
I'm looking for a set of TC or HPP meshes.