Ok, so got some stuff done today. Well, after I took the rally car out for its weekly few miles at high rpms :)
(mask only pulled up for the photo, I wasn't actually wearing it while driving...)

So that got me thinking that I had some old Hella 3000 Ralleye lights that used to be on that car but took them off a few years ago because the bases were cracked, because they are dumb and plastic for some reason on fairly high-end competition rally lights. whatever

So dug into the metal drawer and happened to find some flat brackets from something or other that looked about right. Did a few measurements, put them in the vise and made a few bends and drilled a few holes, and now I have mount brackets for the lights. The Raider has several threaded holes in the bumper, conveniently, so I put these into the ones that go through to the bumper support "horns"

So got the lights mounted, and ran some wires and a relay, and now I have working floods (still have to make an interior switch)

While up there, I got annoyed at the previous owner who lazily blacked out the "Raider" badge on the grille. These are extruded letters, so decided to do something a bit less boring, with a good deal of precision cutting with an X-acto knife

Then just hit it with the same copper paint as I did on the wheels....subtle, but better than totally black.

While running wiring, Amazon delivered some little stuff I had ordered. So that was good timing as it allowed me to set up a few things. First, a toggle switch for the stereo amp signal wire. I know it can be turned off by the head unit, but I've always liked to have a cutoff switch, don't ask me why. So installed it just down below there. And on the other side I installed a 3-port USB 3.0 charging port. And yeah, I cracked the old brittle plastic in one place and had to do some epoxy work, because i rushed a bit too much. Not all that noticeable, but it'll annoy me.

Also, something that's annoying about this truck (and also my Porsche) is the lack of cupholders. So I got the same ones I've been using in the Porsche for 2 years now...just some $5 flip-down ones off Amazon. These actually work great and fit literally any size drink from a can to a Big Gulp.
Put them in the spot best to not interfere with driving, arm-resting, or whatever. They're a bit closer to the window cranks than I'd like, but not a big deal....not like i'm rolling the windows up and down constantly.

This is how it would have looked in the 80s, lol...

So the last thing I did was this. The rear defroster doesn't work since half the lines were scratched off when someone removed tint previously. So i scraped off all the remaining copper lines (still leaves an etched orange residue that cannot be removed). And ordered this kit:

So, I wasn't sure if I could put them directly over the old lines without some kind of issue, so I basically split between the old lines. Once I tint the windows, the old lines will pretty much disappear and only the new (darker) ones will be visible. Anyhow, it seems to work fine. Not a big issue, but figured it's worth doing now instead of winter if I decide I want it...
Install was pretty straightforward, though somewhat tedious. Just gotta go REAL slow (not really my strong suit) to make it perfect (I'd say I made it 95% perfect lol)

The wiring hookup location on one side is different from stock, so will have to run a wire. This is just a temp to test things

The factory ground-side wire just barely reached, so just re-used it