First order of business today was to turn the truck around so I can work on the other side and access the back easier. So got that done with a quick loop around the street....

So first thing - as I mentioned earlier, I've been getting a check engine light in odd circumstances. ONLY when the car is at idle, but it goes away immediately when given any throttle whatsoever, even the tiniest little top. Then comes back once I'm off the gas. To check codes on these you need an analog multimeter to watch the "sweeps" - so my 3-4 digital multimeters were of no use and I had to hit Amazon to get a cheap old-school one. I hooked it up and turned the ignition on. With this system, it gives long sweeps for the first "number" (i.e. two long sweeps = first digit 2) and short sweeps for the second number (i.e. 5 short sweeps = second digit 5) to give you a code, which you then cross-reference with a chart to see what the issue is. If the computer has no codes, it just endlessly does repeated long sweeps (forever).
So, I just got the endless long sweeps, indicating no codes are stored in the ECU. So that's pretty wierd. I'm not really noticing anything suggesting anything is wrong - other than the initial high cold idle (common on these), the engine seems to run great. So will have to mess around and see what else it might be.
Next up, my seatbelts (original) were done - no lockup at all, and overall pretty old-looking. I decided to order one (not two initially) off of ebay - jsut some aftermarket belt - to see if it's any good since the price was decent. It came in today. So the belt and receptacle and hardware are all very nice and seem to be good quality (frankly, they seem better than the OEM stuff on this truck). Only issue is the retractor setup is reversed from stock - instead of sitting in the cavity inside the body, I had to mount it sticking outward for everything to align correctly. Mildly annoying, but since it's uder/behind the seat I just said screw it and installed it that way

Had to cut out a little section of the interior trim but after that everything fits fine and the seatbelt works great. I'll order the 2nd one now that I know it's good.

After that, for no apparent reason i saw my random orbital buffer sitting on a shelf and figured "let's see what this will do on the Raider." So I cleaned up the panels and hit them with some cutting compound and a new pad. Nobody is going to mistake this as a show car, ever, but it did make the paint looks substantially better, even with all the dents and scratches...
Before and after...

Also pretty much got rid of all the pinstripe "ghost lines" left over

Oh, and a quick plug for this thing. Half the price of the 3M eraser wheel and works just as good. Sold by a small business in Australia via Amazon.

Ok, now let's get painting. Last night I did some sanding and masking, so today I did a second coat on the roof to finish that off

Then moved on to the other rocker and the back section. Nothing too exciting here at the moment. The back looks a bit strange just beige down at the bottom right now, but I do have a plan here and I think it will turn out good once I'm totally done with what I'm going to do.