So this is not a rush project at all, but I got it because I like working on cars, even when I can't afford to before the holidays. So the next month or four will be me doing "mostly-free" stuff like cleaning, painting, etc. My goal is to do 1-2 hours every day after work and see where I get to, going section-by-section on the car until I get it fairly nice. So for today decided I'd starte on the back.
First order of business was to take the spare tire off, since I could see the mount for it was rusty behind it. And of course.....yeah, I don't have a key for this lol...

But I do have one of these...

With that off, I removed the tire mount, and then pulled off the hitch assembly and the bumper. The bumper came off surprisingly easy - none of the bolts were rusted or sheared, which was really surprising since rear bumpers on SUVs and trucks tend to get all grimy and rusty. It looks a bit rusty in this pic, but the rear frame members really have almost no rust at all. Let me note that I'm pretty impressed at how heavy-duty everything is on this rig. Even the low loop next to the hitch is about three times as beefy as the one on my much larger Toyota Sequoia. I bet you could hang this Raider from a crane hook by that loop, easily. In fact, everything about this chassis seems to be heavily overbuilt - far moreso than Toyota SUVs and Jeeps I've owned over the years. Some of the reinforcements and stuff on this vehicle woudl be best described as "military-spec" it seems.

I did snap off a couple of small M8 bolts that hold the mudflap bracket to the frame (one on the side, one on the bottom), not surprisingly, since I couldn't hit them with PB blaster since they go into the frame box. So spent some time drilling them out and re-tapping. This Harbor Freight tap and die set has paid for itself 10 times over in the 7-8 years I've had it. I got a bit nervous thinking I was going to snap off the M8 tap in the thick frame metal, but it made it no problem.
In this pic, note the hole to the right and how thick the frame metal is. I just did a bunch of frame work on the Sequoia, which is a much larger truck, and just guesstimating but the Raider frame steel thickness has to be almost double that of the Toyota, and also has several reinforced areas that are even thicker. Color me impressed.

None of the parts look bad, just a small amount of surface rust and general grime

Cleaned them up with some Brillo pads and Dawn and did some painting. For most of the frame-related items I'm using brush-on Rustoleum. This stuff has held up well on the rally car and Sequoia, and I like brush-on since it's nice and thick and tough.

Then I pulled off the gas tank skidplate, which is in really good condition (what looks like rust here is mostly just dirt/mud/grime, which will come off with Brillo/sandpaper so I expect it'll clean up nicely). not like my Sequoia's skidplate, which is 15 years newer and literally about to rust in half.....While doing so, a handful of small yellow-jacket-looking things fell down and started crawling around (maybe juveniles, IDK, none of them fley anywhere). So, had to take care of that and I think I got a little sting on my hand. Found a nest up on top of the gas tank that seemed old, so maybe they came from there. Will have to take a look around and make sure no more critters are living in this thing.

The I did some painting on the rear frame crossmember and all the bumper mounts. I know nobody sees this stuff, and it really wasn't rusty at all, but since I have a lot of time for this project might as well do all the preventative stuff as well.

I also pulled the diamond-plate top panels off the bumper to clean them up (and make painting the bumper easier). The bolts for this were not so friendly, and i snapped about half of them. They're a short-length lag bolt of sorts (self-locking at the top with a square profile and crome head). I'll have to see where I can get my hands on some more of these.

I did take a wire wheel to the plate to see how much it cleaned up. A bit, but not much. Maybe I'll get them re-chromed, but there's no other chrome on this vehicle, so maybe I'll just paint them up with some bedliner or something. IIDK, we'll see.