Headed out today with some friends to do some trail-running in a state forest up in Pa. Andy Thomas (who rallycrosses with us) set it up to take some of his autocross friends out in their mostly stock SUVs. Michaux used to have a bunch of more hardcore ORV trails, but they shut those down years ago, so now it's mostly forestry road (so, reminds me of a rally stage). So we spent most of the time running the roads at moderate speeds, but we did find some fun areas to play in.
Andy has been overalanding/exploring/traveling a lot of the forest and backroads here on the East Coast most of the year so knows the trails pretty well. His weapon of choice is moderately-built fullsize, where he uses brute force to go where he wants to go...

Stephen (from the Pitchblack crew) brought his 4Runner, which is a V8 2WD model so fine for forestry roads. However, he was a good sport and tried to do a big mud pit we found (after Andy bombed through it), which worked out about as expected lol

But he did decent in some climb/descent areas that some of the stock 4WDs had a bit of trouble with...

The Raider continued to pretty much do whatever it wants to do. Not that this stuff is hardcore or anything, but it had no problem with some muddy climb/descents

..though our buddy's Lexus handled that just fine as well

And easily went through the mud pit where the 4Runner got stuck

So anyhow, that was fun to get out of the house...

The Raider is a good trail-runner as well. Running about 25psi it sucked up the chop and washboard, and the suspension seat continues to be excellent. The truck has more than enough power to do whatever i want it to do as well, though I'd like to change on some better brake pads.
A few post-action items:
1. PS belt got really loose about halfway in the trails. So, maybe I didn't have the tensioner tightened sufficiently. It didn't come off, and was working fine, but slipping at high loads.
2. I still have an oil leak. It's all over the skidplate. Before I left I was maybe 1/4-1/2 a quart over full. Now I'm right at the full mark. So, you do the math. It seems to leak more when I'm in places with big inclines, but hard to say. I did about 250 total miles today (about 50 of that off paved roads). Anyhow, I'll plan to pull the transmission this winter and see if it's the rear main (hopefully) or one of the oil gallery plugs inside the bellhousing. Not a big deal, just annoying since I put a new rear main on when I did the engine. Either way, if it loses 1/4 a quart over a full day of wheeling, I can tolerate that to some degree - just have to keep my eye on the level.

3. There's a drivetrain vibration at highways speeds, primarily when at light throttle load. It is reduced when under load, and not there much at all under heavy throttle. Most apparent at speeds over about 60mph. My guess is one of the u-joints on the driveshaft is wonky still (out of balance DS would do it all the time, I'd think). Hopefully not the input bearing of the rear diff or in the transfer case.. Something to investigate and deal with this winter since I'll have to pull the DS to pull the trans anyhow.