Ok, let's see...what's new?
So, continued with my interior cleanup/refresh. I pulled the center console out of the parts Raider, but the PO bedliner'd it for some stupid reason, so not even gonna bother. Stripped off all the usable parts and just trashed it. Yuck. There's too damn much brown in my center console.

Painting it totally black would just be too much, so did kind of a two-tone. I plan to use the large opening for a double-din touchstreen deck (same as I have in the Sequioa) since I like having Nav on screen when I'm exploring.

Did some other trim cleanup (not worth taking photos of at this point, so I didn't).
Floor plugs. All rusted away (though the rest of the floors are pretty much perfect). I guess I could order more, but what's the point, I don't plan to pull them once I put carpet in.
Ok, let's see...what's new?
So, continued with my interior cleanup/refresh. I pulled the center console out of the parts Raider, but the PO bedliner'd it for some stupid reason, so not even gonna bother. Stripped off all the usable parts and just trashed it. Yuck. There's too damn much brown in my center console.

Painting it totally black would just be too much, so did kind of a two-tone. I plan to use the large opening for a double-din touchstreen deck (same as I have in the Sequioa) since I like having Nav on screen when I'm exploring.

Did some other trim cleanup (not worth taking photos of at this point, so I didn't).
Floor plugs. All rusted away (though the rest of the floors are pretty much perfect). I guess I could order more, but what's the point, I don't plan to pull them once I put carpet in.

So just cut out some sheet metal

Tacked it in place, seam-sealed it (inside and underside), painted it, and that's that....(forgot a finished pic, oops). No more plugs, no care...Then took a while and cleaned up the total mess my garage had become...since I want workbench space

Today I bailed out of work early and jumped in the bigger truck and headed out into the countryside (yeah, this is about as country as it gets in Northern Va...not exactly overlanding....). Spotted these beauties just sitting in the grass off the road....looked pretty minty, no clue what they were doing.

Also stopped by the "Rally Farm" where we used to rallycross a few years back. Happy they still have the sign.

After another half-hour of corner-carving in the pig big, arrived at a shady-looking warehouse

And picked up my stuff. So this is what I got:

These are seats from a Subaru WRX TR ('06). I always liked the fit and support of my WRX seats, and since the Raider's seats are too flat for my liking, this is the route I'm going. I got them dirt-cheap (they are in great shape other than a bit dirty). As expected, they are almost exactly the same size as the Raider's OEM seats (above the sliders) but with much better bolstering.

So......the Subaru bases and sliders are really funky. They bolt to the sides of the seat frame, but at four different "levels." So this isn't as easy as drilling holes or slapping on some angle iron, Gonna have to do measuring and stuff lol. The plan is to attach these to the Raider's OEM sliders and the two "bouncy" bases I have. So I had to mock things up to level the seats and figure out what size brackets I need to fab up. Kind of hard to see here, but once I make the brackets it'll be more clear what I'm doing. Probably won't get around to that until next week.

I also did a quick test-fit and from what I can tell the seat should be at the correct height compared to the stock ones (perhaps 1/2" higher). Guess we'll see.

As I already knew, these totally don't match the brown and black paint. I think my plan is going to be to dye the gray sections of them to more of a brown color (or may just do them all-black). I could get covers, but that seems like a waste of money and I do like the Subaru OEM cloth material and don't want to cover it up with some lame seat cover. So, we'll see how these end up. I have some ideas but not settled on them yet.
Also got a few carpet color samples in the mail from one of the ebay vendors that makes carpet kits for these. The tan-colored one is basically the stock color for this truck, but since I'm getting rid of most of the tan in the Raider, not sure it would look very good. I had hoped the brown would be a better match, but it isn't. The other two are just ugly colors. So....IDK. I may just go with the fallback and do black carpet. Black is always easy, and always matches...