With some other projects out of the way (jaguar brakes, building a standing desk for wife, building the closet barn door in the background, shoveling the driveway a zillion times, etc) I finally swept the shop today about 4 times and got the next patient on the table.
Let's talk goals for a minute. I want to drive the snot out of this car when it is done. Like, not worry about taking it to a rallyx if I feel like it. Or not worry about tossing the keys to a friend if they are in town for the weekend. I want to wind it out frequently.
I also want something that is daily driveable. So heat and interior at a minimum. I'd love it to be quiet ish inside and comfortable. Functional.
I've already got the 1.6 miata motor and barring any significant issues that's what I'm going with for engine/transmission. I've also got a lot of other miata stuff that will probably find its way into the car. Pedals for example. Wiring harness (yes, I think I want to replace the mgb harness entirely). Fuel tank. Stuff like that.
Anyways. The car is dusty. Apply broom, then a couple rounds of water from a squirt bottle and rags. I thought I remembered paint under there...

Here's where I was under the hood.

Measure carefully:

I confirmed for myself that it should fit. The steering rack is going to be tight on the crank pulley. Then parts started flying.

If you're wondering what this stuff is, it is a home depot mismash of stuff I used a long time ago to make the mgb shoot a stomp rocket out of the grille. I fully plan to keep it (but maybe improve the system a little bit).

Next up, make a plan! (I'm already re-reading the grm stories on this swap, again).
I do intend to do similar to what I did last year with f-dat and spend the first hour each day working on this. I've mostly continued to do the first hour thing and it is awesome for getting projects moved forward as well as good for the soul. Maybe I'll keep track of time, we will see. Did about 4 hours today. I'll keep track of budget too, but this would only ever be a backup challenge car. I'd want to have no issues jumping in and driving it to the challenge and back, however.