Thanks guys!
In other news I did a bit of a parts run last night.
A few days ago, I found an ad on fb for bumpers and a dashboard, for $25. I responded since I'm a nut, but the woman said the parts were her dad's and he had a ton more in the garage. So I called him and agreed to drive out.
Turns out, he did have a lot more. He handed me this page and asked me if there was anything I wanted.

I thought I knew what I needed, but as we started looking through his stuff for things I was interested in (radiator, fans, taillights), I started noticing most of the parts were really nice. Great chrome, good shape, everything wrapped up nicely in packing paper. I started to wonder if I could remember if my door handles were as nice, for example. I stopped him and asked if he was looking to sell it all. He told me he realized the other day that this stuff had been sitting untouched in his garage for 15 years, so yes, it was all for sale.
I made him an offer of $150 for everything except the trans and zenith carbs. He accepted. Here's what I came home with - oops.

Next, I had been invited by a guy on the mgb exp forum to a 'wednesday night mg club' meeting that was pretty local to me. So I swing by, and meet some good guys who are all mg nuts.
I was able to stay and chat for a while, which was nice, and when I mentioned I was looking for an RB crossmember, the guy that owned the place pointed to one under his bench and said "That one's yours. Next time you come by, bring me a case of Miller light in glass bottles".

So, all in all a good trade. A crossmember and some new friends for 12 beers (and by the way, it's really only 10 or maybe even less because I drank 2 of his while I was there!)
And now I've got the "parts car" I was looking for, without even having to drag a parts car home, disassemble it, and get rid of the husk.