Good weekend of small victories on Ronald.
Friday at work I decided to order a cassette to aux adapter.. Amazon said I could have it by 8am saturday. so I took their bet sure enough it arrived as promised.
plugged it into my Roav Bolt and BOOM! I got Bluetooth in my 94 Miata.. without removing the awesome stock radio. although it made me realize I'm literally working off ONE speaker.. and Ronald is quiet enough that the one speaker is enough.
my video will not embed it seems... not sure why...
Friday night I was seeing idle oil pressure drop to nearly zero when warm... I'm like.. that's NOT right.
Did an oil change and looked at the connector on the oil pressure sender.. almost no friction to come off, and it's definitely been replaced before with a crimp connected holding the new wire with connected on it. I'll need to pull that connector and crimp connector off at some point and properly solder a new wire on with a newer connector and put heat shrink over the solder joint.
but for now..
mission success. cold idle jumped to 45psi just by reseating the connector.

once the car is hot I'm only seeing like what I call 32-35-ish psi while driving.. but I'm happier now.
the temp cam up a bunch today in DFW. so I starte during the AC. which since the new belts went on.. chirps every time the AC engages.
took a few minutes today once I finished moving tightening the accessory belt and now the noise is gone.
another nagging issue has been the fact that the passenger side headlight makes noise when it goes down.. I looked at stuff the other day and determined that the plastic bezel was making contact with part of the chassis inside that corner.
pulled the bezel off tonight to confirm and sure enough I can see witness marks where the bezel has been making contact.

so I'll hit it with the dremel at work tomorrow and try to make it all fit together more happily. but for now.. just pulling it off means the lights go up and down with no noises. so that's nice.
also I determined that the steering rack is leaking..easy answer is to ignore it and just keep adding fluid. so that's what I'm going to do.

this is what every online resource I could find said to use for a type of power steering fluid on this car.
but last and certainly not least!
I'm officially moved into my new place today!