So, this is a tough one. It actually happened a week ago, but I’m still trying to work out what’s going to happen, and how I can proceed based on what may happen. On top of this, several other pretty significant things happened in the four days proceeding this, to the point that several close friends are suggesting I invest in some rabbits feet, and one saying he’s going to quit his job and follow me around and laugh at my ongoing misfortune. But the other things aren’t what we’re talking about here. I’ll split this into two posts, first ‘what happened’ second ‘What’s next’
So, last Tuesday in the office. 1:54PM and we (the office collectively) hear ‘Screech… Thud…. Crash…. Crash’ As we heard this we were all turning around. I got to see a vehicle smashing the car next to the Boxster, into the Boxster and it getting pushed sideways, before trying to speed off. Now, at this point all our assumptions were ‘some idiot(s) tried to cut through our lot, couldn’t, went too fast around the end of the lot and understeered into the cars and was trying to escape’. My brain jumps to ‘license plate’ so I book it out of the building as fast as I can to try and snap a picture of the license plate as they fled for the Police/insurance. Now, I’m not the world’s smallest guy, but I sprinted down the corridor and out the building as fast as my limbs would move, while wearing office shoes. I ran so hard/fast that I struck through hard enough on both heels that they are both still tender a week later! Anyway, back to the story. I ran down the hall as fast as possible to try and get the plate. I burst out of the front door and…. The vehicle (Actually a Dodge Ram) was stopped, having hit other cars, and I see several cops in flack jacket with guns drawn pointing at the truck and shouting. My brave little brain instantly registered that if a cop is stood between me and the truck, with a gun pointing at the truck, then if the perp comes out with a gun, said gun would be aimed at the closest cop and by extension me. I then turn round and book it just as fast back into the building. I’ll tell you now, no matter how brave people claim they’d be in a situation, finding yourself 20’ from a drawn gun in a very real situation is instantly terrifying.
So, what actually happened? First, the bad guy didn’t come out with a gun, he soon ended up face down and cuffed. After watching the building and security video the whole thing was very much not a short cut through a parking lot gone wrong. It turns out there’s a tri State car thief ring that targets certain high value vehicles, steals then rather than chopping them, they are re-selling them in other states with false vin/paperwork. It turns out there were two guys in the Ram, plus a woman. No one at work knows if she’s an innocent victim, the ringleader or somewhere in between, she wasn’t seen in cuffs is all we know.
There were five undercover Police vehicles that had been following the truck all day, waiting for them to act so they could close in. One of my guys has a Challenger Hellcat, it was backed into a space at the end of the lot, that just happened to have a vacant space next to it on the side away from the building and security cameras. Just before 1:50 the Ram backed into that space. Looking later at the videos you can see movement inside the truck and someone climbing from the front to the back. Then the rear door opens and someone gets out while staying low so you can’t see them above the Hellcats roof. There’s movement as he smashes the window (driver’s side was away from the camera) gets in and does something.
Sidebar. The something was plugging in a laptop and software to write a new key to start it. Now, first of all the poor guy who’s Hellcat it is had previously had one stollen in Detroit, so had some kind of update that prevents new keys being made)
After a couple of mins (1:54 and 28 seconds to be precise!) four unmarked cop caps come flying into our lot, and a fifth drives over the large grass berm between us and the adjacent company and bocks them in from behind. The guy in the Hellcat gets out and tries to run, but the Cop who came over the berm was out before him, went over the hood of the Hellcat and had him on the ground. The guy in the truck tries to take off and peels out. He hits one of the unmarked cars / the unmarked car rams him, he swerves, skims the bumper of one car, hits the CRV next to me and pushes it into the Boxster. He then takes another bash, pushes the CRV and the Boxster about a foot before having the space to barge through and take off. We assume he saw the guns as after about 50’ he basically rolls to a stop by hitting another car.
Total damage. Hellcat with smashed glass and some dents on hood. Odyssey Minivan with scraped rear bumper (poor guy has liability only), the CRV next to me with two smashed ¼ panels, bumper etc. Boxster with dented quarter, new Genesis with smashed nose, ironically about 2 hours after the guy handed in his notice.