Finally a update on the car!
Last weekend I got home to drive the car a little and it ran grate.

At home with the next of kin the MX5

Also did my first real burn out ever... Kinda week but it means the diff works. I like these tires so im going easy on them. This also comes to a surprise as to what I did this weekend.

Yep those are drifting wheels and tires! Picked up a full set of mustang wheels and some crummy old tires for $40! After looking for a long time it was the best bang for the buck! All tires hold air which means they can be burned! One tires was off the bead so it has water in it and needs to be taken to a tire shop to have the water taken out. Other then that a quick pressure wash and they were good to go.

They are 16's which is what I wanted. 16's will be easier to find used tires for. They also fit under that car better then 17's. The offset is much better then I thought it was going to be they don't sit way up under the car like I thought they would.
I also did some work with the borbet's that are on the car.

I wanted to do something to make them stand out just a bit more. So I filled the lettering with paint.

So this is the set up I used. Well almost, turned out that can of plasti bip was dry so I used spray on instead. I sprayed the paint down in the lid of the spray can and made a puddle that I could pull out with the syringe.

Also had scrap wood so I build some mini ramps so the jack will actually fit under the car now!

So plans are to go to a drift event this weekend and get my feet wet! I am planning for it now, what prep I need to do to the car and what to take ect. I know its going to be a spin out fest for me but should be a ton of fun if I don't brake anything and can keep the big V8 cool. So biggest thing checked off the list I can get a full set of spares in the car and jack and jack stands and be able to have a passenger.

The camera will come with me next weekend as well as a gopro but who knows when I will be able to get through the footage.
Other things going on in the shop, there is another 302 waiting for its turn for some fun!

Its a 302 from a 88 LTD with a AOD trans. We are going to clean it up do a soft rebuild (gaskets, timing chain, water pump) then we are going to put it into my pops 64 F100. Its going to be months before we make any big progress but its a start.
Also still looking at going EFI but I think I made a good brake through on the parts that I need! Going to save me some $ which means it will happen sooner!