Still waiting for the cage to be finished, so I've been busy around the farm and in the garage.

Walls are all drywalled in the garage. Ceiling is next. Not looking forward to that job...
Got the garden all in as well.

Getting anxious to have the car home, but staying busy. I've also been picked to run the paddock at the Mt. Washington hillclimb in June, so I need to clean up my helmet to get some autographs.
It's a 13-acre farm. We bought it last fall so we could keep our horses at home rather than paying to board them. It's a net savings...
Car should be back in the garage late this week or early next week depending on when I can pick it up. I'm flying to Atlanta for the weekend for a wedding.
In racing news, I was requested by an STR S2000 owner to co-drive his car at autocross yesterday and finished 6 hundreths of a second behind the guy who absolutely dominates the class in first place. Feeling good about that result. Helped the owner figure out his shock settings to make the car a little more predictable and got things dialed in pretty well.

It's not the big ticket items that hurt the wallet - it's the small stuff. $1,300 went out the door today and now my wallet is smoking.
Still haven't approached the fuel system beyond my 5-gallon fuel cell.
Making the most of my time while the RX7 is (STILL) getting the cage finished. Garage is now completely drywalled and ready for some paint.
That stack of white blocks is expanded polystyrene foam, which I'll be using to form my flares before fiberglassing them in.

That's my new race engine on the pallet waiting patiently for its new home.
I'm also re-doing the brakes on my truck:

RX7 4-pot caliper rotor (11") versus F-250 rotor (14"). The rear rotors on the truck are the same size too...
I don't even like red cars and i love that S2000. 
It's a nice car for sure. Tighter inside than I expected.
Picked up some Formula Atlantic take-offs last night. 23 diameter 10" wide. Might swap my bia plys off for these to see how I like radials.

I can almost smell them. Love that race rubber smell
It was fun after I dialed in the damper settings. Thing was all over the place.
Car STILL isn't back from being caged. However - Brown Santa came!
Picked up two sheets of 6'x 3' steel for workshop tables. Wired in my 240v outlet and rebuilt my compressor, painted some of the ceiling (semi-gloss white) and I got 16' of a total 48' of T5HO lights up in the garage. You could tan under these things!

Spent the weekend at the Mt. Washington Hillclimb. My club was the sanctioning body, so I was generally running around like a mad man Thursday and Friday. Things settled in for Saturday and Sunday so I could work the broom at the starting line.
Got to see the inspiration for my car and hang out with its builder a little bit. Bill has been very helpful with my questions and is in general a flipping genius/super nice guy. This is one of the most technologically advanced cars on the hill, even when compared to the SRT Rally Cars. Lots of F1 and Indy tech in this thing as well as fabricated parts like the inconel turbo manifold...

If you're looking for the definition of "hauling the mail"
And when I got home late last night I had a package waiting for me:

Need to call the cage builder and have a come to Jesus talk...
Bill finally posted an in-car:
its been almost a year and my truck actually finally has a section of floorpan tacked in.
sometimes you need to take jesus to see them....
Car is being delivered on Monday - completed.
Well Monday got vetoed as I had a driveway full of roofers. They did the entire house and workshop in one day with 12 guys... Impressive.
Anyway, the 7 is back in the shop!

Driver's side door bars have a double bend to make more room for me.

I'm a happy man. A few additions here and there and a LOT of sheetmetal coming out of the car soon!
I can't weight to see what sheetmetal you take out!
I am gonns be taking notes!
Rob R.
Most of the rear is going to be MIA. Pondering a sub-frame to support the Ford 8.8 IRS diff too rather than spending a grand on the ready-made mount.
wvumtnbkr wrote:
I can't WEIGHT to see what sheetmetal you take out!
I see what you did there. 
Can you give me a shovel? Because I can dig it!
Finally got a chance to dig into the car some after putting up new paddock fencing, railing in the back deck, doing the brakes on the truck and drinking a lot of beer.
Time for a weight exorcism!
Here's where we start:

And the tools for the job:

It's happy to be losing weight

A slice, a cut there

Hmmm you don't get to stay

I crave more!

Hold my beer and watch this

Why big hole? Because big radiator:

And this is where I called it a night after the bugs got too thick

I'm interested in what your doing at the rear. Great to loose weight. What are you doing about ducting air to the rad? Up from below then out the rear? Are you going to build a difuser and try for some real aero as per the 240?
Here's the Maxi's site:
I'll be ducting from the sides of the rear hatch and vent above the rear diffuser, which should provide a bit of a low pressure vacuum to help draw air through. I'll be experimenting to see what works best.
The main purpose of this car is to experiment with aero and try to make the most out of the power I'll have. I've spent a lot of time looking into airfoils for the rear wing.