This one had the smugglers boxes. My red one did not. Almost none of them came with back seats.
A custom cell isn't in the budget right now, and since I can't tig weld I can't make my own.
This car won't be a one-trick pony, so a decent fuel capacity is required. 5 gallons is absolute minimum and 8 is more where I need to be for road courses.
If I get a cell like this:
I'll have room to put a lot of rake into the radiator.
Can you build a cardboard mock of the cell? I'm wondering how low you can push it before the axle or the ground want to kiss it.
Is the air going out the bottom of the car for the radiator? Where is it coming in? My brain is trying to see all of the bulkhead/packaging.
The area that's cut out is all behind the diff, so no worries about contact there. I can go down about 6 inches from the frame rails.
Air will be ducted in from the rear hatch and exit out the bottom/back of the car. The low pressure zone there will help suck air out. I'll run a diffuser and spoiler to ensure there's a healthy pocket of low pressure.
Called in a favor. Custom 30"x6"x8" (6.2 gallons) fuel cell in the works. That means I'll be able to get the radiator just about flat.
Whatever you choose, get some Alcon caliper temperature strips and figure out what your temperatures are. Adjust from there.
In theory though you need something with good cold bite as each run will start cold.
Last night I got to do some small fiddly things like install my -10 AN oil cooler lines

and modifying an ignitor for a clean install of my MSD box.

A few solder connections (inner two together, outer two together) and then fill with hot glue. I hate soldering.
After that I stripped my Weber down and cleaned things out. The accelerator pump was binding a little in the bore, so a little cleanup with a scotch pad and some marvel mystery oil was applied. All better! I changed out some jets to get things closer to where I think they should be. Namely switching the primaries from F7s to F11s. Secondarys are F8s. Measured the chokes and they're a true 48.5mm. Just need a new main gasket and I can button it all back up.
I decided before I go putting a ton of things in the car that I don't want paint on that I should get the majority of the car at least primed.

Lots of little things done that aren't obvious, so I put the rear hatch on as a reminder of how the car can look... like a car.

Brake masters came today. Looking like it will be a busy and productive weekend on the car. Sheet aluminum for the dash should arrive today.

Metal suppliers around here seem slow to respond to emails or return calls, so I decided to see what Amazon has to offer.
I ordered a 48"x48" sheet of .040 T6 aluminum and had it 2 days later for $57. It came through packaged really nicely. Two thumbs up.
How are you planning to do the dash?
I get to bench bleed this guys tonight

Busy morning:

Plasma cutters are a wondrous thing
I might fold the bottom in next to the column. No need for it to hang down that far.
This guy showed up to help me with my beer supply. He also extended my steering column 6" and welded on the quick release splines

Cut reliefs into the firewall for the master cylinders in my pedals so I could gain a little more space to stretch out. Also got my seat mounts in and on the seat so I could eyeball everything before we did the dash. I didn't want gauges to be blocked from my view.
Next up will be wiring... My favorite.
This illustrates how much farther back in the cockpit I'll be compared to the norm. 200 pounds moved closer to the center of the car is a win.

And more crumple zone too, not that you'll be needing that 
I need to buy some more hardware to get these all in permanently. Open spaces are for the power distribution, ground distribution and fuse pod.

Custom fuel cell construction has begun

No kidding haha. Had to call in a favor to get the price down.
Worth it