Been awhile since an update, been racing a lot lately. I did however take the car to the local fathers day show, Im lacking any decent photos of during as after several long nights I had fallen asleep for most of it lol. Here the car is the night before

The next day the new springs showed up, H&R race front springs and H&R superrace rears. In red and white, ironic because the first race day I'd be able to use them was canada day :) . I decided to get them to control the massive amounts of body roll causing some bad bad tire rubs
ENTER June 30th..... Quesnel Go-Kart track..... My new favorite track on the planet
The car was very fast, running lap times with competitive times within many of the corvettes in the local Corvette club. Because of the hour and a half long drive to make it to Quesnel and the dartiness the car was with it toed out on these rutty, potholey northern highways I was forced to toe the car in halfway in Hixon. And upon arriving in Quesnel the rain started and didnt stop until my 2nd run was over. I didnt wanna lay in the mud to re-toe it back out so I did my runs toed in. Next time Im going to look into getting a trailer and towing the car down all setup.
Then it dried up and almost everyone picked up nearly 12 or 13 seconds a lap on the course. I went from a slide fest, drifting, almost spinning out laptime of a 75 second, down to a 53.9 second. The fastest laptime I think was a 47.8 run by a very modified C7 vette.
Im hoping for next time I'll get the tires more so dialed in, and run the car toed out. Hoping for a 51 second time
July 1st - Racing at PG airport
Toed the car out for this race day, dropped tire pressures from 38 front and 30psi rear down to 28 front and 22 rear.
Same course as in may, the car was much faster then before. Held to the course much easier was easy to get faster laptimes then in may by just driving the course and letting the car do the work. but when I got up on the wheel, tossing the car into each corner hard the car picked up quite a bit more time.

Just after the car show the serpentine belt shreaded due to the power steering bracket coming apart. I dont have a picture of the finished product but this is it in the works