MiniDave HalfDork
10/2/24 8:42 p.m.

We have two Audi Allroads, a 2017 and a 2018, both with really low miles and in pristine condition when purchased recently - used. 

Obviously both cars have spent their lives indoors and not driven much.

My problem is my two car garage is full of Mini projects (as in Mini Coopers) and both cars have to stay outdoors as the insurance requires the classics be in the garage. Wife won't even consider a carport in front of the house.

Right now the only strategy I've come up with is to park as far to the edge of the driveway as possible to get out from under the tree. Yes, I have had it trimmed back, and yes it could probably use it again. That might help, but when they're coming from as much as 100 feet up, some of them are going to find their way to the top surfaces.

My poor 2009 MINI Clubman looked like it had tiny hail damage all over the car when I sold it.

Last night I kept waking up to the sound of these tiny rock hard little bombs hitting the cars......drives me nuts!

I doubt a car cover would really help - I suppose a thick piece of foam would work, but if we had any wind I'd probably find it a block away.....and she's not going to put it on and off every time she wants to drive her car, not to mention it wouldn't look particularly cool to the neighbors either.

Maybe I'm just venting here, but is there any kind of spray that will keep the tree from making nuts? It could be worth it as long as I don't have to do it every year. Won't help for this year of course.....

Pic to show the front of the house, and our previous 2014 Allroad. Tree in the background.....

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
10/2/24 9:24 p.m.

This is the #1 answer that comes to mind...  

One car, Mini Clubman, already affected...every future car, to be affected.  

No Time
No Time UberDork
10/2/24 9:50 p.m.

Maybe get an end of season deal on pool noodles? At a minimum it may help the Mrs see that a carport wouldn't be that bad. 

MiniDave HalfDork
10/2/24 10:09 p.m.

In reply to John Welsh :

True, but with a tree this big I'm looking at $5-7K to remove it!

I like the pool noodles!  laugh

No Time
No Time UberDork
10/2/24 10:37 p.m.

If you are open to taking down the tree, it might be worth a couple phone calls to get pricing in your area. I had three ash trees taken down and stump ground this summer for $2500 total in central Mass  

It was much lower than I was expecting since they had to work around the deck, fire pit, gazebo, and house (branches extended over the roof). They had to use the boom and rope on almost everything they dropped.

edit: Consider the loss of shade if you you decide to cut it down. I was surprised at how much shade the tress provided (even with one being dead), and  I would have preferred to keep them, but the emerald ash borer had damaged them beyond recovery. 

Jehannum New Reader
10/3/24 8:09 a.m.

No way an urban thong would fit in with your neighborhood aesthetic?

10001110101 Reader
10/3/24 8:25 a.m.

I am of no help on this, but happy to see a local on the board!

OLDYLR GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/3/24 9:02 a.m.

Tree has to go, maybe plant another and watch it grow.  Also, love the wagons

MiniDave HalfDork
10/16/24 4:23 p.m.

In reply to No Time :

As much as I hate the nuts, I really don't think I could take the tree down unless it gets damaged - like hit by lightning or if we have another horrible ice storm.

The city came thru and removed all our elm trees - even the healthy ones - that were on city easement - the area between the sidewalk and the curb. The way our house is situated losing this giant pin oak wouldn't have a huge effect on our shade, tho it might help the grass to grow better in the front yard!

Parking the cars on the edge of the driveway farthest away from the tree seems to have helped - I'm not hearing them bang on the cars during the night like I was, maybe most of the nuts are down already? The leaves haven't begun to turn yet.....

I may see about getting some of the longer branches trimmed back a bit so they're not over the driveway, but I'm not sure how much that will help.

MiniDave HalfDork
10/16/24 4:24 p.m.

In reply to 10001110101 :

I followed my grandson to GRM, he was writing about his Miata exploits!

I'm in OP, where are you?

MiniDave HalfDork
10/16/24 4:25 p.m.

In reply to Jehannum :

In the back yard, sure.....but in front? Nope.......I do like the sail shades tho!

10001110101 Reader
10/16/24 5:12 p.m.
MiniDave said:

In reply to 10001110101 :

I followed my grandson to GRM, he was writing about his Miata exploits!

I'm in OP, where are you?

Right over in PV. The driveway is all VAG stuff. 

MiniDave HalfDork
10/16/24 6:37 p.m.

I grew up in PV, graduated from East......if you're experienced with the VAGCOM, maybe I'll ask you to stop by sometime and help me get a handle on it?

10001110101 Reader
10/17/24 8:10 a.m.
MiniDave said:

I grew up in PV, graduated from East......if you're experienced with the VAGCOM, maybe I'll ask you to stop by sometime and help me get a handle on it?

Kiddo is a senior at East this year. I have VAGCOM experience, haven't bought one for myself. I use OBDEleven since VAGCOM went to a limited VIN model before I bought a cable. I am running around like crazy this weekend, but hopefully should be slowing down soon.

My cell is six juan ate - nein six 7 - ate 7 nein oh. My name is Joel.

MiniDave HalfDork
10/17/24 10:07 a.m.

Got it, thanks Joel...... my name is obvious!  laugh

I'm at nein un tres- 9 fore ate - tres sex five too

DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) MegaDork
10/17/24 10:47 a.m.

How big is a pin oak nut? You can buy 5/8" mesh from Home Depot in 14x45 foot rolls and string it up some how? The net doesn't have to actually catch the nuts, just slow them down before impact. String it up like the thong Jehannum suggested.

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