I don't know yet what year this is...but all cues point to '60s or early '70s most likely.

This belonged to my grandfather from before I can remember. 20 years ago or so, he gave it to my father (who needed it every bit as badly as I do). This year my father asked if I'd like to have it.
I don't have a specific use for it...but I've got a place to store it and it holds a sentimental value for me. We just celebrated my Grandfather's 94th birthday a few weeks ago. Everything my Grandfather has owned he has maintained meticulously.
I dragged it home on Easter weekend of this year and rolled it into the barn and forgot about it for a while.
Today, I put some gas in it, hooked up some jumper cables, pulled the choke, turned the key and it fired up!
I'd like to get it into usable condition and...use it a bit. If nothing else, it looks cool as can be.
If anyone knows anything about these, I'm sure I'll have some dumb questions. I already do! In the mean time, I'll start finding the various problems and fixing them as I get around to it.

As with most any motorized device you can think of, it turns out there's a website for vintage Sears lawn tractors
http://vintagesearsgardentractors.com/ It looks like yours was built around 1970.
My dad had an Allis-Chalmers lawn tractor of about the same vintage. One of these days I want to rescue it from my sister's garage and fix it up. I don't have a real need for a lawn tractor either but it does have sentimental value.
That thing is sweet! Also, the fact that there is a dedicated site to them makes me happy about life
Yeah...I haven't spent any time on the site, but I did find it today when poking around.
This thing will pull the front wheels off the ground. Seriously...
If you have grass to mow, use it. It will last longer than anything on the market now.
I was in the market for a rider last year. After looking at what's available, I ended up buying a 1970s Sears mower and reworking it. My kids will get to inherit it.
I have WAY more grass to mow that my Grandfather or Father have. So...it should see its highest calling ;). Really, though, it looks so cool...as long as it moves under its own power...this thing will be awesome!
Back when stuff was built to last. Enjoy!
I see no reason that thing won't run forever.
Nice, I am a bit of a Garden Tractor nut, the place to go to find all the info you can is;
Craftsman Garden Tractor forum
I have a few Simplicity tractors, two with the old Lambordini diesel engines. I am currently working on a repower of a JD 317.
I dig the Natural State sticker on it! 
I took the deck off and looked it over. It was missing a c-clip that retains one of the splined couplers on the main cross shaft (between the two gearboxes). I found one that is "close enough" at NAPA, so I put that on and put it back together.
This clip, right here:

One of the front wheels was wobbly and it looks like the inner bushing has long since disintegrated. Looks like the wheel is "wallowed out" a bit. I think it should measure 1" but it's more like 1.080. I'm hoping a bit of JB weld will help secure a bushing in there. The real fix is probably going to be replacing the wheel. I'll try to post some photos sometime soon.
You might check Sears for parts. They had everything for my 70s mower in stock.
In reply to Toyman01:
Yes, they still have diagrams and many parts. I'd say most of them are discontinued, but it's cool that they still have some stuff listed.
If I remember correctly that is an Onan engine in that thing. I rebuilt one when I was in High School
Looks like this one has a B&S, possibly cast iron at that age.
i always find parts numbers on the sears website, then google the # to find the parts and/or best prices. maybe youll find what you need.
thats a real nice tractor, looks like other than being a little dusty its in great shape. great family heirloom.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
... possibly cast iron at that age.
The swanky decal concurs with this point:

I didn't know they made the all iron blocks late enough to have electronic ignition, neat.
The steering drag link was wobbly too. A closer look revealed the reason: A loose ball stud.

I wish all repairs were this simple (and I could take better photos in a dark pole barn:

I also realized that the worn front wheel bushing I mentioned earlier was still there. The wheel should be fine. I have a new bushing on order. I'll get some photos of that situation as it goes back together.
Does anybody know what this "AutoPulse" thing is? I expect it's a fuel pump (though I'm not sure why it would need a fuel pump given the placement of the fuel tank above the carburetor).

A little closer shot:

Yes, that is the fuel pump. Not uncommon to have one even with high mounted tanks.
I ordered and received a new front wheel bearing/bushing from Sears. The old and new:

I cleaned up the wheel a bit while it was off (no fallout from Mrs. Sparks yet about doing it in the kitchen sink). Still a little patina left, but I suppose that's to be expected.

New bushing installed:

I would have been smart to buy both bushings for this wheel (or all 4 for the whole tractor) but I didn't. They've probably been worn out for a decade...so whatever.
I think I'll put the deck back on it and do a little mowing soon.
Ha ha, like SWMBO in your house is going to give too much fallout. If so, just ask her about the horse poo that is inevitably on her boots 
IIRC those wheel bushings fit a crapload of riding mowers, and there is a pretty common sized flanged ball bearing that is a perfect fit.
That's good to know. I'll have to poke around and see what I can find. It's fine for now, but would be better with at least one more new bushing (or bearing).