nice tractor! My uncle in law takes lawn tractors and replaces the mower with giant metal plates, changes the fuel and gearing to make pulling tractors. Apparently there are huge competitions for these guys in north-central Il... They had one that weighed like 2 tons or something.
I put the deck on and did some mowing with it yesterday afternoon. It's pleasant, if deafening.
Here's a little video of it chugging along:
Creative inspiration provided by the late Jim Varney, Earnest P. Worrell, or whoever came up with the golf cart gag in "Earnest Goes to Camp."
Here's a shot in its natural habitat.

It just mowed all that grass.
Looking good! I like to see the old ones saved! I bought a Snapper 1855A just to use the engine in a JD317, but decided it was too cool to scrap, so I am in the process of fixiing it up too.
Does anybody know what type of Engine Oil I should use in this?
I'm sure it's overdue. I'll get it nice and warm and do an oil change soon if I can figure out what to buy.
You favorite flavor of 15w40 will work well. Probably specs what is now known as HD30 (straight 30 diesel oil). Do not use "non detergent" API SA/SB, that's junk.
Forum member Psteav asked today if he could use Grandpa's old tractor for a little yard rollin'. I asked him to get some action shots so we could update this old thread. I'm sure credit goes to Mrs. Psteav for the photos of Psteav, PsteavKid, and Grandpa's old Garden Tractor. My Grandfather is now 100 and 1/12 years old and just survived a case of Covid 19, BTW.
This...this here is what old garden tractors should be used for!

I am sure any new clean oil would work. I have been using a 4 stroke motorcycle oil in my lawn tractor. I change the oil in mine often, it gets dark I think from to much blow by from the rings, so I figure good clean oil will extend the life of the worn rings.