I hurt my neck a month ago. I accidentally hit fast forward while watching a video of a Chinese ping pong match. It didn't go well. Consequently I haven't been able to work on the project car. I decided to keep my spirits up and my mind on the project by building a 1:24 scale model of my car and placing it upon my workbench's shelf. Get it?
I did some hunting and found an old kit that's only one year off.

Bam. Ignore the ahem medicine.
But I don't really care for those wheels. Since this is supposed to be a model of my car (in it's finished form) It should have the right wheels. lets see...

Yeah, those wheels will do. now I just need something to replace that pathetic little 305...

Ah yes, that'll do nicely.
Now I've got all the major components I need I can get started. Unfortunately the kit is barely a step above the snap-tite models. It's only 48 pieces.

This is it sort of stuck together. No glue here just snapped together.

Such a basic kit will actually be harder to modify, as most of the parts are grouped together into assemblies. The frame of this car has the oil pan and half of the transmission attached to it.
This should be fun.
I'll post updates as I go, more to keep myself motivated, but if you are entertained all the better...
Woot! Glad I contributed to this project!
Yes, Jav, you were definitely an enabler here.
Ok the first step is test fitting the wheels fortunately the Camaro's wheel backs fit pretty well with the NASCAR steelies.

That's looking good.

Gonna have to lower it down a little bit but we can work with that.
Wait... what's that on the back there?

A high ride spoiler stolen from an ASA circle track Camaro. of course the kit has the stock spoiler molded in. I spent a hour or so with a set of needle files trying to level out the decklid.

Excellent. The new spoiler is slightly wider than the rear of the car, so it will be filed to fit after it is glued on.
I've also given the underside of the body a coat of flat grey, but we don't really need pics of that.
Stopped by the hardware store on the way home today. picked up something to help me cope.

It's a coping saw, get it?
I am not amusing.
I actually managed to get the engine out without damaging the frame around it. Using the stock motor mounts the Buick motor sits nicely in the bay, with plenty of room for the turbo, but the tail of the 200r4 hangs past the transmission crossmember, so I'm going to have to do some searching to find a substitute.

Stay tuned. I'm still working on it.
Cut the trans crossmember, trim the ends, and move it back until it fits.
This is awesome! I remember doing the same mix and match with models growing up.
You may have heard of this trick, but you can cut (thin) sections of that type of plastic by sawing back and forth with thread. I'm sure it would take longer than your coping saw, but in certain spots it might work out well.
Plodding along.
Painted the wheels:

and did some work on the engine:

other than that, just a lot of painting, nothing to see here...
Wait, you're swapping a GN drivetrain into a 3rd gen? Why not start with a GN and be done with it?
Edit: I just saw the drivetrain donor and I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to de-donk-ify that thing either.
I've got some plans for that one too. Further on down the road. It'll get that GP stock car's suspension and engine.
I will-un donk it.
Good thing you don't need a column shifter, that would require a lot of glue to get the linkages just right.
With the Full size car tucked in for the winter I will be turning my attention back to the small scale one.
when we last saw the car I had royaly berked up the paint.

urg... the spray paint decided it was going to be textured. Gonna take some sanding.
The original plan was to build two cars. A "finished" car and a day one car. I recently found an '83 Z28 kit and had to pick it up.

Good deal, that's got the right front end and everything.

Almost... I don't have grills.
so... drill.

and file-file-file...

looks good. And the best part is I went looking for a pic of my car with no grill and wouldn't you know it... there they are. They're just not as shallow as the kit.

I did a little experimenting with the sprue material to see if I could bend my own cage.

Short answer: yes. A quick couple seconds over the heat gun softened the sprue enough to make the bend, then quickly into the cold water to set it in place. The bar I made is asymmetrical and too wide, but the theory is sound...
Fresh Ground Beef Patties at $5.99/lb doesn't seem like much of a "special".
I'm suprised by the detail on the 305HO, right down to the dual inlet air cleaner. Whats the '83 got under the hood? Crossfire?
The 83 has a crossfire, so it'll get the dual inlet from the 85.
I'm interested in converting unassuming 1/24 scale models into RC cars. I've seen a few on YouTube that were super impressive. Not fast like a Traxx or anything but just really cool to see that much detail zipping across the floor and doing doughnuts
AClockworkGarage said:
when we last saw the car I had royaly berked up the paint.
Easy-Off oven cleaner works pretty well for stripping paint on model cars.
In reply to stuart in mn :
I used to use pine sol, but that was on testors enamel. This is that fusion stuff that is specifically for plastics, it was a bad idea... I just worry about harming it further with a chemical bath.
I'll have to do some testing on extra parts first.
I've successfully stripped paint with Purple Power, and with Easy Off, and some guys use brake fluid. That Testors Fusion stuff unfortunately DOES NOT come off the soft plastic used for model kits. It just eats into the plastic. Ask me how I know... but I haven't tried brake fluid yet so I guess there's hope. I just went and bought another kit.
For a real nice finish, use Tamiya lacquers and their fine white primer to prime the surface first. When it's all done, coat it with Pledge Floor Care for wax (not kidding) and buff it out with a coarse paper towel. I plan to experiment with the Fusion over the Tamiya primer this winter, because the fusion satin black looks SO GOOD in engine bays, and it's SO CHEAP.
Gonna keep an eye on this thread because model building season is just about upon us.
Fortunately I used the Fusion paint on the new kit and not the $60 dollar out of production kit I had to special order.
Oh wait, scratch that. Reverse it...

guess I'm sanding carefully.