I still don't know exactly what I bought.
Last night when I pulled in the driveway, SWMBO – Vi, came out to greet me.
“You have to get up early in the morning for work. Just cover it up and come inside.”
Me, “Right, yes, work... Did you see all the extra stuff I got with it? These are brand new tires...”
Her, “That's great, you can tell me all about it inside. It's starting to rain.”
Me, “Rain? Barley a drizzle. I just want to go through these boxes... You see this carbon fiber shift knob? I still really need to see what's under the hood. Here, look at this, I have an extra transmission...”
I had climbed through the back hatch, since the doors won't open with it on the trailer. There are 4 boxes of stuff and plenty of loose parts that I haven't even looked at yet.
“Just a minute honey, I have to move all these boxes so I can roll the windows up.”
“Now Jon. Stop playing with it.”
She was right of course. I would have spent hours looking over it, then maybe tried to roll it into the garage to start working on it. I needed to be reeled in. I took a few quick pictures, closed it up and put a waterproof cover over it. The sunroof is either open or missing and it was actually starting to rain.

Picking up the car went well. The seller had called me to say I could come early, so I started getting ready. At some point I set my phone down on the tongue of the trailer. When everything else was ready to go, I had no idea where the phone was and spent about 20 minutes searching the house and garage. Early didn't work out, but I did get there around 6:00.
Walking in the garage, I was worried for a moment when I saw a stripped VR6 engine on a stand with a transmission laying next to it.
“I though the engine was mounted.”
“It is. That's the old engine. You want it? You can have the stand too.”
...and the GTI banner, the VW banner, a nice 'parts sold here' sign, two brand new Toyo R888s, oil, coolant, and more. He is clearing out and moving on. I hadn't planned to haggle over the $800 and was happy to give him $900 for the lot. He has a VW Caddy pickup stored somewhere else that he offered to sell me. I'll pass it on to you guys when he lists it, or tell me now if you want to contact him directly for details.

I work 7 days on – 7 days off. Today I start a week of 7 am to 7 pm. I hope to get a better look under the hood this evening. Maybe get it in the garage tomorrow night. Until next Wednesday, I'm going to try to be patient and let it sit.