Well, crap, then. I guess the valve cover will need to come back off and get cleaned up and have some RTV applied. At least that's a fairly easy process. I looked through the manual and couldn't find anything about it but I didn't look closely enough. I based my decision on some forum posts from a while back with a couple people saying very confident words about how they never used any and thought it was a bad idea.
It is absolutely leaking again/still, though, so I need to figure out where. I haven't looked at the hood yet to see if we're slinging oil upwards, but I don't recall that any of the belts were bathed in oil when I was trying to find a way to turn the crank pulley. Thanks for the tip on the ring gear, though!
When I bought the car, the exhaust was kind of sketchily attached. The tailpipe was wired on, there's a clamp that holds the pipe to the block, the pipe is bolted to the turbo, and that was pretty much the whole attachment system. Before the Challenge, I used some stainless steel zipties to secure the muffler to its mounting points and it stopped banging around and did okay.
Over the weekend, I didn't have any wood blocks to put under the ramps and I was not in the best of terrain so in the process of winching the car on the trailer, one of those u-bolt exhaust clamps got its nuts caught on the edge of the trailer. It took some doing but I finally got the car loaded, but I guess I managed to destroy the metal zip ties because the exhaust was hanging low enough to be scraping whenever the suspension worked. Last night, we put it up on the lift and went to work.
Walker makes the rubber hangers for the muffler and my plan was to stop at the FLAPS and pick up a couple of them. I would swear to you that I checked the website last week and they had them in stock. But they no longer show in stock, so that wasn't going to work. My daughter was able to pick up a hanger that would work for the tail pipe section, so my plan was to wire up the muffler for now, use the hanger for the tailpipe, and then either put a new u-bolt clamp on with the bolts not hanging down or to just weld the pipes together and do away with the clamp. After getting it up in the air, I realized that the center pipe section was actually about an inch and a half too long and it was pushing the back section of the exhaust - including the muffler - to a position that the regular hangers just didn't line up too well. Which is probably why they weren't there!
After a moment of pondering, I decided that the right thing to do would be to shorten the center pipe so things would line up better. Unfortunately, despite the muffler being a slip-fit over that center pipe section, I could not get it to un-slip. I took a grinder to that afore-mentioned u-bolt clamp and got it out of the way, but the pipes were just stuck together. So we went with plan B which we code-named "Operation Sawzall" and cut a section out of the middle of the pipe and then welded it back together. It's not pretty, but it's not leaky, so:

The hardest part, of course, is trying to weld the top of the pipe while it's all still on the car.
I had some spare u-bolt clamps, but since the welder was out anyway:

In the process of all that, we noticed that the front exhaust flange only had two of its four bolts, so we grabbed some left over M8 hardware and cinched that up. Then the rubber hanger went on the tailpipe:

And some more metal zip ties went on the muffler:

I'm going to order up some of the correct rubber hangers to see if it's close enough for those to fit. Honestly, it's still not quite 100% right - you can see how the tailpipe hanger is a little askew - but I don't think it's worth doing too much more at this point. If anything, I would consider pulling the front section apart, putting a cat back in, and throwing a resonator between the cat and the muffler. But I don't think that will ever bubble up to the top of the project list.
At this point, however, the exhaust is tucked up nicely where it's supposed to be. With that little section removed, it's actually able to tuck up a little higher than it was before and with that stupid u-bolt clamp gone, it should easily clear the ramps of the trailer should it ever need another ride.