Yuto may be a WME but his designs are quite nice. I torqued the intake down, cleaned up the exhaust and did the same. The raised metal seal around the ports has a nice reassuring feel when you torque it down.

BTW I bought a complete set because it was like $105, JUST the intake gasket is like $99. It came with new lower, middle and upper intake seals which are molded rubber. Molder rubber, another WME inovation, there is a molded rubber seal at the bottom of the bell housing on the transmission, to insure any leaking oil goes out the specified drain hole. Those Wacky Mazda Engineers even want failures to be orderly!
Found the oil leak. I thought it was the gasket under the oil filter mount. It was, but why it was leaking is more interesting.
This engine was dropped off a lift gate. It broke a part of the bell housing which the shop TIG welded back on. I knew this when I bought the basket case.
It also bent the valve bore, that is why it was sticking. But I didn't think it hit the filter mount. When I started unbolting it the bolt wiggled, the mount wiggled and was loose. Look at the picture:

Pretty horrific to think I drove all over with these barely holding the oil filter mount on.
I filed the bottom of the filter mount flat and did a little clean up of casting lines and machining inside it to flow better. It flows a lot of oil and oil provides a substantial amount of cooling on this engine. I also have to straighten the oil radiator fins, it looks like a pressure washer was directed at them.

I made this clutch alignment tool just for RX-8's. For a transmission input pilot bearing they use a roller bearing and seal. The second step on the alignment tool is so I can press the seal in. The large diameter just above my finger is where the clutch plate splines sit.

Pulled out the sander to clean up the flywheel and pressure plate. Bolted it all together, torqued em down and on to putting it back in.
Now back the those WME's and their love of 3D puzzles. Lift, lower, jiggle, put engine mount in, wait, no, No, NO! Twist, ok, now lower, and its in. No, it wasn't that quick.
In Yuto's defense this is a sweet driving machine, not stupid fast but decently quick, smooth, responsive. A twisty road and the buttery smooth Wankel revving makes forgiving Yuto's benders before designing this thing pretty easy.

I got a little farther but my phone was charging, so no pics. It was late last night so this post is overdue. With possibility of snow in our forecast I may sit here for a while. I am out of firewood for the barn heater. Stay tuned!