So I found some time and decided to spend that time sorting the Holey Spirit.
To begin, an 'oddly satisfying' moment. My username is my 240SX's license plate (real original huh?). But I got the same plate, but with the digit swapped. RACEC4R for the 240SX, and R4CECAR for the Holey Spirit.

The first item on the agenda was to diagnose and assess the condition of the 3 speed that currently is in the Spirit. We plan on swapping in the T5 we acquired from Dallas, but would like a clean conscience in selling the 3 speed locally.
When we picked up the Spirit the clutch needed to be bled, and was described as a known issue to sort when combined with the shifter woes. The clutch hydraulics system was described as...lacking a certain 'je ne sais quoi'. The team was originally running an AOD that came with the 302. The AOD met an early demise and needed to be replaced at the last minute with something else. Turns out this 3 speed was the ticket. The hydraulics system was created in last minute thrash mode, and to be fair, works great! However, the serviceability...oh the servicibility...
- Remove hood to access hood hinge (not kidding)
- Remove drivers side hood hinge to access clutch master resevoir (not kidding)
- Remove clutch master cylinder reservoir cap to discern fluid level
- Reverse bleed or vacuum bleed hydraulic circuit due to clutch line being higher than reservoir level
- You get the idea
Let us not disappoint:

See those 2 oil patches? Yeah...those were the shocks. Were. The. Shocks. Turns out, jacking it up in sunny 60 deg Charlotte is perfectly ok, but the seals did not appreciate it here in ol' below freezing Michigan. So that's fun.

See that white cap down there? Neither do I. That's the clutch reservoir cap.

I think I found it!

The angle adds a degree of difficulty unseen on other applications.
Bonus, that rubber pressure line? That's the clutch line! It's higher than the rest of the system...making it impossible to bleed the air out (for me). Have no fear, new gear is here!

Always wanted one of these bad boys! Works bad-berkeleying-ass! Bled that bitch in 6 mins start to finish! So...lets drive this bitch! Snow be damned!

Backing it out on Hoosiers/ice was hilarious to say the least. I let the clutch out, and the wheels just turned...they were hard as plastic wheels on your grocery cart.

It runs and drives great! Shifts buttery smooth, but would agree with Mike/Dallas, the shifter is just...ehh...confused? Easy to find Reverse, 1st, and 2nd, but 3rd is in no mans land, and Nuetral, forget Nuetral. Nuetral just disappears. Ok, I'm being dramatic, but it's not fun or easy to shift. The gates seem to change position every time you move the levers. But thank god every gear is super smooth and with a freshly reverse/vacuum bled hydraulic system, the clutch disengages/engages well. I can now sleep well knowing when we sell the trans, it will have been in excellent condition on my end.
Few take-aways:
- No wipers. It was trying to snow. So thats a thing.
- No turn signals. I signaled out of my window like a bike rider. Not kidding.
- No gas gauge. Stop early and often? Took 9 gallons when I stopped.
- No rearview mirror, only drivers sideview. So that's a thing as well.
- Michigan roads+wide Hoosiers = wandering like no other. Never take your hands off the wheel. Ever. You will go into oncoming traffic.
- Needs a wheel hook for the steering wheel.
- Starts instantly when hot. First revolution. That's nice.
- No speedo, so hope traffic is present to help keep you in line? Can use phone I suppose.
- Garners unbelievable amount of attention. 4 people approached me while filling up. Best I can discern, I think everyone in MI has owned an AMC of some sort at some point in time.
- Sucks to park. 2 widebody/flared cars fit like E36 M3 in my garage. Does not help there is no passenger side mirror. Lulz.

Next stop, swapping in the T5. Making/using a remote clutch master cylinder reservoir system, hydraulics update. Making our own driveshaft(s), 1x $25 carbon fiber (hopefully for challenge), 1x all aluminum 1 piece (my LS/T56 shaft), 1x professionally made (not for the challenge, but known good quantity). Can't wait to wash it and give it a concours level detail. Needs to be above freezing for that...bring on Spring!