I know my limitations and lack of time to learn new things at the moment, but I'm a hoarder and I can't throw away perfectly good things. I had everything necessary to make an Exocet except the suspension, sold the engine and transmission, and I'm about to pull the torsen for some toy money. That leaves the front motor cradle, control arms, steering rack, power steering pump, steering column, hubs, brakes, rear crossmember, rear horseshoe looking brace thing, PPF and who knows what else laying around. If I sold all of this to someone for $1, can you guarantee that it will be used in the $2017 challenge in a car, or to put an older body back on the road with new underpinnings? I want to hear the best plans that someone else might have, and put this in the hands of the mad scientist that will make it all happen. Since the challenge is close at hand, I'm close to I-75, so I could hand it off to someone traveling to or from the event to offset shipping costs, and get you in great shape for the challenge