nocones said:
Stampie said:
Forgot to add that I found a good Mexican restaurant today. La Pasadita Mexican at 4126 NW 6th St, Gainesville, FL 32609.
The Bad Decision Triangle went there after Brads Challenge Victory. It was tasty 2.5 years ago.
Why y'all been holding back?
Stampie said:
Stopped by the property today to drop off the trailer and put in a temp ditch thingy.

Looks like a good place for a corduroy crossing.
In reply to gumby :
A Mexican place that doesn't sell margaritas?!
5/1/23 10:29 p.m.
In reply to singleslammer :
Yeah, was kinda weird.
Great birria tacos, though. Absolutely phenomenal. Good enough that it almost made up for it.
In reply to gumby :
That's right I forgot that wierdness
In reply to singleslammer :
In all fairness we made up for it in the parking lot that night... well some of us.
Just saw this thread, can't wait to get a minute to catch up on all this awesomeness!
Ok add La Cocina de Abuela to the list. Great Cuban located at 125 NW 23rd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32609. All of these are within 15 minutes of the track if y'all need food during the Challenge.
Up visiting Grandma Stampie this weekend. A while ago she told me that I could have the filter system off her old water softener. Sounded good and I planned to pick it up this weekend. Until I saw how big it is. Seven stages including UV. It has 3 pre UV and 3 post UV. I'll have to see how that works. It's also huge so I'm going to hold off on grabbing it until I get my utility building built.

Haven't had much time lately to do anything. We ran by after Challenge for a few and everything looked well. Today I went to Gainesville to go by the Public Works to get a better look at the offical flood zone maps. Turns out the only guy that could do that was on vacation. Went by the property and everything is good. The 4x4 tracks are growing over and nothing new in their place. I did stop at a new restaurant to try it out so I guess this will be a review of it.
Nopal by Cintrón at 5112 NW 34th Blvd
I wanted to like this place and while I like the idea they just didn't execute. I'm guessing they're going for some kind of Mexican fusion vibe which I'm cool with. First thing I noticed upon walking in was to many gringos. I'm ok with us gringos in a Mexican restaurant but if they're aren't at least 1/3 POC then I have to question it because POC know their food. Quick look at the menu shows me that one the prices are a little high and two chips and salsa are $3. If you aren't bringing me complimentary chips and salsa right after I sit down then no you're not Mexican. I order my $3 chips and salsa, a pork belly burrito, and a Mexican coke. Waitress comes back a few minutes later and says they're out of Mexican coke so I get a sweet tea instead. I noticed that the menu said the burrito came with a salad. Ok not normal but I'm willing to try. First she brings out the chips and salsa. I'm surprised that in addition to the roja salsa they also bring a verde salsa. Chips are decent and the verde salsa has more flavor than the roja. Problem is there's no heat. None. At all. I would have feed this to a newborn. Ok the burrito comes out and I'm going to try this salad. Let's just say that a vinaigrette salad does not belong on a plate with a burrito. That salad screamed 90's Italian restaurant. The pork belly in the burrito is cooked nicely and has flavor. There's some cheese but they didn't get it hot enough melt it all. It has some tomato based sauce that while it has flavor it's not anything Mexican in flavor. Best I can describe it is a tomato based come back sauce. That's the problem. I didn't eat anything that I thought was bad. Just take the tortilla shell off the burrito and this isn't a Mexican restaurant. Give me a guacamole sauce in my burrito. Add some spice and heat to the entire meal. Make the salad a corn and black bean salad with pico de gallo on top. I can see why some people like it. It has love it or hate it reviews online. I don't hate it but it's not what I want.
Sounds like the food I ate when I lived in Mexico for awhile. Little to no spice. Just decent.
ClemSparks said:
I think that's a good plan moving the logs/trees into the undesired trails. When we got our property it was clear that others in the area had been using it as if their family member owned it or it was public land...for years. It took a couple fences and an awkward conversation or two but it all got sorted out.
Tip: It's amazing how effective a cheap roll of high-vis poly rope can be as a deterrent once unrolled and strategically placed ;)
We bought 45 acres and the folks right next to us flat out came and told us that they'd been hunting that land since 1965 and left it hanging as if I was going to tell them to keep right on doing it.
"Cool... we're going to build a garage...and hunt it ourselves, so going to need you to stop."
This is pretty epic Stampie! I have similar hopes and dreams I hope to execute in a few years. Im in Gainesville. My shop is in High Springs. Let me know if you ever need a hand or are looking for a specific service. I know a ton of people in construction, land clearing etc.
In reply to B13Birk :
Cool I will let you know. My next things are finding out the correct flood lines and putting in a culvert. Where does one buy culverts in Gainesville? I also need a good rock/fill source.
In reply to Spearfishin :
Neighbors can be fun. The realtor who found my parcel was told a similar thing by the people leasing it for hunting. "We've been hunting this property for XX years, ain't nobody going to stop us." Never saw them again.
I have 4 neighbors along my southern boundary, 3 to 6 acre parcels. At one point, the one off my SE corner decided that he wanted more room, so he felt free to bush hog my property north of his, parked the tractor on my side, hung an automatic 55 gal. feeder in one of my trees, cut down brush so he could have a view of the water, ran a water line 30 feet onto my property and set a handicapped toilet seat in my woods so he could crap right on the ground, . A person of real quality.
I set up a meet with the guy by telephone, then let the Sheriff's office know. They said, "Don't go by yourself; we'll send a deputy to go with you." So the deputy and I walk through my woods to meet the neighbor; along the way I point out the concrete monuments marking the other neighbors' corners. The trespassing neighbor was a little surprised to see a uniformed deputy. Then we discussed property lines. After he admitted that he knew where his was, I told him to get his crap off my property. Today, or it's mine. As we were leaving, the neighbor commented that the next time, I didn't need to bring the Law. Walking back, the deputy commented that he was quite sure that the meeting would have gone differently if he hadn't been along. I asked him if he had noticed how the neighbor had pulled down the Posted signs of his other neighbor to the east, and hadn't even bothered to throw them away, just left them on the ground. And survey flags were still up!
At least the guy was smart enough to realize he was now on record; I never had any more trouble from him. Your situation is different, Stampie, you've got a LEO for one neighbor, and the Mayor watching out for stuff.
Of all the possibilities for neighbors in that situation, I'm really glad to see how that turned out. When I was practicing in that area, one of my clients had neighbors that were shooting in the direction of their property, had a few bullets hit their house. They tried talking to the neighbors, got a slightly threatening rebuff. Their horse got killed.
They were in an adjacent county to the East, law enforcement didn't care.
In reply to Asas_Dad :
The only issue I see anywhere close to that is the neighbor on one side cleared their land and put the trees on my property. I looked at it again Thursday in my walk around and realized the dead trees actually make a good natural fence. It had to be years ago as they're half rotten now. I've had two interactions with that neighbor and both have been positive. Sorry I missed you last Friday but your son was working me hard.
In reply to Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) :
When we first looked at the properly Lil Stampie was all excited because he thought we could set up a shooting range. The covenants and restrictions prohibit that so he was disappointed. When we went by after the Challenge the neighbor was shooting something. Sounded like practice/pinking. He pointed it out and I said I'd rather them do that towards the timberland/hunt club to the south than me have to deal with neighbors wanting to push covenants and restrictions on me.
In reply to Stampie :
Yeah, he and I discussed your bringing up the Mustang, but he neglected to tell me which day. I had a doctor's appointment - sorry. He also said you didn't walk around on the property; I wouldn't have objected if you had.
I've looked up limitations on shooting across property lines; in short, it's illegal. But if you set up a backstop (some hay bales?) so that your bullets don't cross it, you're good - as long as it's not toward a structure, occupied or unoccupied, or across a public road. Here's the statute on shooting near residential areas: You might want to browse the rest of Chapter 790, as well.
I've had that happen, too. Couple of years ago two young fellas south of me were snapping in with something heavy; I went over to the property line, called them over, said, "You do realize, don't you, that you're shooting toward my property? I don't do it often, but I am sometimes working where you're shooting." They were polite, said, "Oh, no sir, we have a backstop set up, and we're very careful. And we're Veterans." I thought, "who isn't?" They looked to be in their teens, but I guess that's the old fart in me - they had probably been in Iraq or Afghanistan. But it all worked out well.
Talked with the county flood guy this week. This morning he sent me over the current flood zone and a proposed flood zone that they are reviewing right now.

Current is the dark blue and proposed in the light blue. Only thing I loose with the proposed is the wetlands (circle area right outside the current) but I gain a lot. About 50% of the current flood zone goes away. That got me a little excited so I asked how long before that was final thinking 6 months or something. He replied 5 years or so. Bummer but really no big deal. Only difference for me is flood vents. At least looking at the proposed it matches exactly what I see on the property with standing water after lots of rain. Car neighbor to the north won't be happy. Looks like they have his house now in the flood zone.
It's my understanding that 100-year flood maps were federally drawn, starting in the 1980s. In the the 1990s, the paper maps were digitized. The original maps were horribly overdrawn, showing floodplains that extended way beyond reality, and the process to get the designation changed for your own property took more than a year, was expensive. I'm convinced that the original surveyors never even got out of their car to look, just drew lines on existing USGS topographic maps.
From the detail on your map, it appears that they have been making a serious effort to refine them. That's a good thing.
You can get them yourself
In reply to Asas_Dad :
Yeah I've looked those up. What I was hoping was there was an error in translating the original maps to the satellite images. Here's the overlay I was hoping was wrong.

If you look at my neighbor to the west you'll see that the current flood zone touches the creek edge on the west right south of the road. I was hoping the "more accurate" maps would have that flood zone centered on the creek. Oh well it's not. Still wrong but not worth the effort to fight as you point out. I don't actually gain much and looking at a cost of maybe $300 more in my construction.
Not much progress but we went by for a little today. It was raining so no walk through. Everything was there just like I left it except up front. First thing I noticed was a bright yellow strand going from an electric pole to the guide wire for that pole. I knew it wasn't there before as I drove Trent the tractor in that area to bushhog the ditch. Then I noticed why. I guess the country came by and cut back the undergrowth to the right of way line. From the size of some things they cut I'm guessing every 5 years? I'll call them Monday just to make sure.

There has been some pretty heavy trimming of trees away from power lines around here lately. I've noticed it in two counties.