Well, wow, a lot of bullE36 M3 happened.
Disease ran rampant and I ran into a whole lot of one legged man ass kicking competiton going on, if you follow.
The S60R, that I rely on to get to to my payin' job, is glugging coolant at the rate of about two quarts per week, and is no doubt annoying the neighbors as I clear out the cold start coolant-fouled misfire every morning. (But after that it is 18 pounds of BOOOOOOST for my 30 minute commute so all is forgiven, because memory of a goldfish here)
Payin' job is sucking my chi, my qi, my life energy down at the rate of ridiculous because I am the only one left wrenching at work, due to EX-coworker factors that would have me languishing under a patio if I mentioned them here. But suffice to say there are many lunchless 10-11 hour days and you do NOT deprive me of food without consequences. But duty prevails over personal interest.
The black RX-7 needs a lot of work before it can once again dominate the Ohio rallycross season that is still up in the air.
The red RX-7 is still lounging half-apart waiting for me to figure out WTF keep it stock or modify.
The Quantum is suffering because I spent $3k this year on the S60R instead of on it and it is still immobile.
And then, to make matters worse, I bought a bike in April, because I weigh 230 when I should weigh 190, and the $3400 bike I lusted after when I was 20 had a Buy It Now of $525, so I bought it, at which point it started snowing. It was still snowing as of yesterday.
This E36 M3 is all depressing. I want to go drag racin' and rallycrossin'. I want to shred. I want to hang with friends and relax and chill and whatever the youfs call it. But I also have a duty, so that E36 M3 all has to be kept on hold, and as stressful as that may be to put on hold, it's also more important to put it on hold, because duty and responsibility.